Attended KNBS 1975 - 1980. Work - Kings Norton Boys

Attended KNBS 1975 - 1980. Work - Kings Norton Boys

Attended KNBS 1975 - 1980. Work - Kings Norton Boys

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Just discovered <strong>KNBS</strong> via my brother Lee, I attended from 76 to 81 ish ,if anybodyremembers me it wasn't on a regular basis, I can recall many days spentwandering around the Bull Ring alone, or with the likes of Stephen Eaton betterknown as tank Chris Ames, Lee Jones etc, on one occasion we went to theOdeon New Street and saw Rising Damp the movie, better than school I suppose.Many good years partially spent at <strong>KNBS</strong>, i was the fat kid who lived in a pub .Other chums i remember are the Bosworth twins [who never shared theresweets but i could allways wangle one from martin] good old noddy, Pat Hannah,Mark Davies Anderton, Ian Kemp, Steve Baker who i tormented to death[sorry],there was one smashing lad i cant remember his name he would allwaysdye his hair and style it like Phill Oakley. Teachers: Wright, Mobley, Chapman,Hill, Faulkner, Roe, and of course Mr Hunt who for his pleasure would pick youup by your sideburns.Anyone remember singing hersham boys in the back of the School transit androcking it so violantly through the cattle grids of Wales that we removed all thepaint from its sides and Mr Faulkener threatening to confiscate our cider, thosewere the days called geology trips fantastic. I often drive past and look at Brendasold shop [now a house] and long for a 7p of bread and a packet ofsnaps,thats why i'm still fat, been a mechanic forever and in my 21st year as amobile DJ with a few good contracts under my belt, on the whole fantasticyears.Adrian BrownLeaving Date: 1981Email: adeheathen@aol.comLocation: UKMessage:I was at KN from 1974 to 1981 and some of us are thinking of getting a reuniontogether next year.For those of you who may wish to avoid /join us:beside myself, there's Nigel Comer, John Bishop, Phil Johnston and RichardSeal.Plus a few folks who are not so e-literate.Whenever me and Andy Collins get together (oops sorry, forgot it was a GRAM-MAR school) we often compete to remember the most obscure pupil.Was it you ? Actually it was probably me.Ian HudsonLeaving Date: 1981Email: ian.hudson@ntlworld.comLocation: LeicesterMessage:Old <strong>Norton</strong>ian from 1974-1981. Other reprobates around were Phil Johnston,Nigel Comer, Ada Brown, Richard Seal, Tim Solari, Guy Jones, Alan Smith (ofArsenal and England fame), Lee Pointon,Dave Lewis,Rob Farr, Pete Fischer,John Bishop and many others. I'm now a Consultant Cardiologist in Leicester

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