A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History

A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History

A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History


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REPORTSFig. 1. Congruence <strong>of</strong> clades as determined fromconcatenated analyses and multiple data partitions. Nodesrefer to groups in Fig. 2. Dark blue or dark gray cellsindicate those with relationships present in maximumparsimony (MP) and ML [GARLI (31) and RAxML (32)]analyses (A) orinML(B and C); light blue or light graycells indicate relationships present with the exception <strong>of</strong> orinclusion <strong>of</strong> one taxon; and striped cells indicate relationshipsfound by either GARLI or RAxML, but not both. Thesize <strong>of</strong> each data partition is listed below its name. (A)major partitions (BS, bootstrap support; dashes representclades with less than 50% bootstrap support); (B)individual locus analyses; (C) gene-jackknifing analyses.n/a, not applicable.Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on August 29, 2008176427 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org

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