Independence (LCS 2) - Bath Iron Works

Independence (LCS 2) - Bath Iron Works

Independence (LCS 2) - Bath Iron Works


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Performance October 2009RECORDABLE INJURIESCumulative Through October 20092015105013.3 13.5ImprovementTargetActualLOST-TIME INJURIESCumulative Through October 20091086420ImprovementTargetActualNote: Safety statistics are reported as rates. The Recordable Injury values are rounded numbers;target for the month is 13.38 and the actual is 13.43, slightly above the target.4.43.9BIW NEWSBIW NEWS is published monthly by theCommunications Department (D94) of<strong>Bath</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Works</strong> and is produced internallyin the BIW Print Shop. Photos byMike Nutter unless otherwise noted.The primary objectives of BIW NEWSare to recognize the service, accomplishments,innovation and contributionsof our employees and to provide informationon matters that are of interest toour workforce.Comments and suggestions arewelcome and should be forwarded toDixie Stedman at Mail Stop 1210 orby e-mail at dixie.stedman@biw.com.EnvironmentalYear to date (YTD) progress toward achievingour environmental performance goals underthe Maine DEP STEP UP and other environmentalprograms is displayed as follows:Equal to or better than YTD goalAbove YTD goal, improvedfrom prior yearAbove YTD goal, not improvedfrom prior yearCumulative Through October 2009Solid WasteHazardous WasteEnergy CostsFacility/ShiftInformation Call LineToll free information on facility status,work shift delays, and cancellations1-866-630-BATH(1-866-630-2284)The Ethics Corner—Accurate Time ChargingThe U.S. False Claims Act makes itunlawful to present a false or fraudulentclaim to the government. If youknowingly make false time charges, in additionto facing discipline up to and includingdischarge, you may be guilty of a crime. AtBIW, the majority of our time and expensesare billed directly to our government customer,the United States Navy. Our TimeAccounting process and procedures are inplace to ensure compliance with the law andoffer our customers the assurance that ourbills are timely, accurate and honest.Time Accounting procedures includeregular auditing of employee time entriesfor “red” flags which may indicate inaccurateemployee time charges.For example:• An employee takes a 45 minute lunchto run an errand and does not adjusthis or her TAS to reflect the extra 15minutes spent off the job.• An employee uses the TimecardMaintenance Editor to enter chargeson a daily basis rather than using theTime Clock Emulation Editor and/orMPT to enter charges, resulting ininaccurate and/or fraudulent timeentries.• An employee running late clocks in at0712, but adjusts it to 0700 just to makeit look “right” for the day—an adjustmentwhich directly conflicts with theemployee’s turnstile ingress.It is each employee’s responsibilityto record time and expenses carefully,promptly and accurately. Supervisors havethe additional responsibility of ensuringthat the employees under their supervisionare properly trained and bill their timeaccurately.As we all endeavor to do our best to beas productive as possible, please keep inmind that every inaccurate time entryalso results in other employees at BIWspending time to correct the mischarging.This includes your supervisor, manager,employees of the Finance Department, andfrom time to time, the Ethics Department.Take the time to consider the wayyou account for your time and give ourcustomer the same fair deal you wouldexpect for yourself as a consumer.Remember—When in doubt always ask!BIW NEWS | November 2009 | 3

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