Melville Boys - Langham Court Theatre
Melville Boys - Langham Court Theatre
Melville Boys - Langham Court Theatre
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energy& talentyouthPhoto: David Lowesphoenixtheatres.ca250.721.80002011-12seasonLove KillsOctober 13 – 22, 2011Our Spotlight on Alumni with <strong>Theatre</strong>Inconnu presents the gripping OBIEAward-winning rock opera by Kyle Jarrow.Rookery NookNovember 3– 19, 2011Witty repartee and innuendos run amokin this classic farce by Ben Travers.EurydiceFebruary 16 – 25, 2012A quirky version of the Orpheus mythby New York playwright Sarah Ruhl.The Marowitz HamletMarch 15 – 24, 2012Writer and director Charles Marowitz ‘s“mash-up” of Shakepeare’s classic bringshumour and insight to the original play.3 for $36subscribe! 4 plays for $48