Corporate Pride.pdf - African Lion & Environmental Research Trust

Corporate Pride.pdf - African Lion & Environmental Research Trust

Corporate Pride.pdf - African Lion & Environmental Research Trust

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Conserving a wild Africa throughresponsible development byuniting; corporate leaders,academics, policy makers,NGO’s and the communities ofAfrica.Responsible [ri-spon-suh-buhl] adj: answerableor accountable, as for something within one'spower, control, or managementDevelopment [di-vel-uhp-muhnt] noun: the actor process of developing; growth; progressDecision making is not a trade off between economic development and environmental planning. This is a falsechoice. Decisions have to take into account both – conservation must be at the centre of our economies andour countries.Social and economic development has got to be delivered in a way that is compatible with life supportsystems, ecosystems and natural services.We must empower local communities to be involved in both the design and management of conservationpolicies; to allow the people themselves to be the protectors and benefactors of wildlife.The needs and desires ofthe varied <strong>African</strong> culturesare often different fromthose perceived by theWestern world and onlythrough working with thepeople of Africa, speakingto their aspirations andunderstanding theirpriorities, can truecommunity involvement inconservation be achieved.Implementing <strong>African</strong>solutions to <strong>African</strong>challenges; makingconservation relevant tothe lives of the <strong>African</strong>people.<strong>African</strong> <strong>Lion</strong> & <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> 14

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