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BRIDGENumber Eighty-seven February 2008

QPLUS 8.8The very best Acol-playing Software availableSYSTEM 8mb RAM CD-ROM Pentiumor equivalent Windows XPor laterPROGRAMMERHANS LEBERFEATURES Friendly Interface (see above) Hint Button – always at hand Help Button – explains the featuresfor bidding and card-play advice Easy Windows Installation Comprehensive Manual Rubber, Duplicate and Teams Scoring Instant results for teams 1,500 pre-played hands for teams 2,300 pre-played hands for match-pointed pairs Feed in your own deals Systems include: Acol, Standard American,and several others or create your own.FREE UPGRADEA free upgrade from QPlus 8.5 to 8.8 will beavailable to download from the QPlus website atwww.q-plus.com from the beginning of October2007. Those who prefer a CD may send their 8.5disc, together with a cheque for £3.50.TRADE-IN SPECIALTrade-in your old or unwanted bridge software bysending it, together with a cheque for £49, to theMail Order Office before 31 March 2008.Order with confidence. £79.95 including postageMake your cheque payable toand send to: Ryden Grange, Knaphill, Surrey GU21 2TH 01483 489961 Fax 01483 797302

BRIDGERyden GrangeBisley, SurreyGU21 2TH 01483 489961Fax 01483 797302e-mail:bridge@mrbridge.co.ukwebsite:www.mrbridge.co.ukAll correspondence shouldbe addressed to <strong>Mr</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>.Please ensure that allletters, e-mails and faxescarry full postal addressesand telephone numbers.Managing Editor<strong>Mr</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>Associate EditorJulian PottageTechnicalConsultant:Tony Gor don<strong>Bridge</strong> Consultant:Bernard MageeQPlus and SoftwareSupport Line: 01483 485340Weekend Events& Cruises:Leanora Adds 01483 485343Megan Riccio 01483 485341Jessica Galt 01483 485344New Members& Address Changes: 01483 485342CONTENTS2 QPlus 8.83 Bidding Quiz by Bernard Magee45 Gentle DuplicatesCut-out FormThe Fjords and Scottish Islands8 Cruise to the Mediterranean9 Bernard Magee says Ruff in the Short Hand10 Summer Cruises On Board Discovery<strong>12</strong> Stephen Cashmore saysTwo Opening Hands Should Bid to Game13 Latimer House <strong>Bridge</strong> Events14 Staverton Park <strong>Bridge</strong> Weekends15 A Walk in the Winter by Countryman16 Declarer Play17 Julian Pottage says Lead Partner’s Suit18 Harold Schogger says Eight Ever, Nine Never19 Marsham Court <strong>Bridge</strong> Weekends20 Beach Hotel <strong>Bridge</strong> Weekends21 Under the Spotlight by Freddie North22 Sally Brock Answers Your Questions25 Theobalds Park <strong>Bridge</strong> Weekends26 Milton Hill House <strong>Bridge</strong> Events27 David Stevenson Answers Your Questions29 Defence Quiz by Julian Pottage30 EBU Pay-to-Play by Ned Paul32 <strong>Mr</strong> Magee and Me by Linda Saunders33 Declarer Play Quiz by Dave Huggett34 Andrew Kambites says Use the Rule of Fourteen35 Rubber / Chicago <strong>Bridge</strong> Events<strong>Bridge</strong> Etiquette36 More Acol Bidding Software37 Derek Rimington says Overcall with a Good Suit38 Winter Cruises On Board Discovery40 Dave Huggett says Don’t Give a Ruff and Discard41 Barony Castle <strong>Bridge</strong> Events42 The Olde Barn Hotel <strong>Bridge</strong> Events43 Readers’ Letters50 Holiday Diary52 Justin Corfield says Combine Your Chances53 Bidding Quiz Answers by Bernard Magee54 Global InsuranceSingle Trip Policy Booking Form<strong>Bridge</strong> Club Directory Form55 Declarer Play Quiz Answers by David Huggett56 Heather Dhondy says Use the Rule of Eleven57 Defence Quiz Answers by Julian Pottage58 Donald Russell’s Taster Box Competition60 Scandinavian CruiseThe views expressed in this publication are notnecessarily those of the publisher or its Managing Editor.BIDDING QUIZby Bernard MageeYou are West in theauctions below, playing'Standard Acol' with aweak notrump (<strong>12</strong>-14points) and four-cardmajors. It is your turn tocall.(Answers on page 53)1. Dealer: West. Love All.♠ K Q♥ A J♦ Q 8 4 3♣ J 9 6 5 4West North East South?2. Dealer: West. Love All.♠ K 10 9 7♥ 9♦ 9 8 4 2♣ A J 4 2West North East SouthPass 1♥ 1NT Pass?3. Dealer: West. Game All.♠ Q 8 6♥ A 7 6 3♦ 5 4♣ A K 6 4West North East South1NT 2♦ Dble Pass?4. Dealer: West. N/S Vul.♠ 7♥ K Q J 9 8 5 2♦ 9 5♣ 9 8 4West North East South3♥ Pass 4♥ 4♠?5. Dealer: North. Love All.♠ 9 7 6♥ 4 3♦ A 8 5♣ Q J 9 6 3West North East South1♦ 1♠ Pass?Page 3

NEW YEARSOFTWAREQUIZ ANSWER♠ A K 6 5♥ K J 10♦ A K 6 4♣ A 10As dealer at game all,playing acol (<strong>12</strong>-14 NT),what do you open with thefollowing hand?Sally Brock2NT. It would seem to be aperfect example of the bid. Iwill be very interested ifpartner makes any sort ofslam try.Julian Pottage2♣. If you open 2NT,partner will (or at any rateshould) play you for 20points. This is becausehands with 20 points are somuch more common thanthose with 22. So, when youreally have 22 points andthey are good ones, it paysto open 2♣. Since I want tobe in game here if partnerhas, say, two queens (notenough to raise 2NT to 3NT)I open 2♣.Bernard Magee2NT. With 22 points and abalanced hand you fit neatlyin to the 20-22 range,required for a 2NT opening.Although you have two tens,these are not enough toupgrade your hand.HAPPY COUPLEIn the first issue of the NewYear, I usually makemention of my bridgeyresolutions which, by andlarge, I keep. This year,most of these have alreadybeen acted upon.The new play and defencequizzes introduced in thelast issue are continued andnew writers have joined myteam of contributors. Allhave been asked to explainbridge maxims and sayings.I have also featured lettersand comments that are shortand to the point on page 45.These I have nicknamed“shorties”. I do hope thatreaders will make good useof the form facing page 6provided for the purpose.REFLECTIONYour letters are beginning toreflect a growing uneasewith the EBU and itsstrategy for 2010 onwards.I have asked Ned Paul,pictured above, to clarify thecurrent situation byoutlining the pros and consof the new strategy forbridge clubs. Read what hehas to say and see how “Payto Play” will affect you andyour club.QPlus 8.8 and the BernardMagee teachingprogrammes are alwaystalked up by me becausethey are the best. So userfriendly and helpful.Judging by the calls andletters already coming in,Declarer Play, BernardMagee’s just published newprogram is his best yet. Andthe latest QPlus testedagainst other acol-playingprogrammes wins – easilysettling the occasionalrun-in with the Office ofFair Trading.ETIQUETTEThe guidelines on page 35have been formatted into anA4 size page. This I haveput up on my website, asmany clubs may wish todownload it and put it ontheir notice boards.GOOD LUCKSimon Lucas has verysuccessfully managed the<strong>Mr</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Mail OrderService since its move toMarlborough in 2004.He is now setting up on hisown account to trade asSimon Lucas <strong>Bridge</strong>Supplies. I wish him well.CLEARANCEIt is the very nature ofprinting that volume is all.<strong>Mr</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Luxury Cards aremade in considerablequantities. To clear these,I offer them unboxed, intwelves, 6 red / 6 blue.<strong>12</strong> packs £8, 24 packs £17,48 packs £32 and pro rata.The price includes postage.Offer must close 8 Februaryor as stocks permit. Pleaseallow 14 days for delivery.Orders by post only pleasewith cheques made payableto <strong>Mr</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Mail Order,Wagon Yard, London Road,Marlborough, SN8 1LH 01672 519219.SPONSORED QUIZThe BRIDGE 86 winner ofthe weekend for two at TheOlde Barn is <strong>Mr</strong>s Peverleyof Lutterworth, Leics.NEW QUIZAs dealer at game all, playingAcol (<strong>12</strong>-14 no-trump), whatdo you open with this hand?♠ A K 9 8 6 5 3 2♥ A K 7♦ A♣ JSend your entry using thecut-out form before20 February 2008. Oneentry per household, please.Consolation prizes vary.Stuart Adds, Leanora’shusband just had to be anaccountant but we had greatfun with all the differentsuggestions you posted in.The lucky winners are;<strong>Mr</strong>s J Simpson, Edinburgh.Dr M Box, Reading, Berks.<strong>Mr</strong>s C Betts, Wilmslow.<strong>Mr</strong> R Bowyer, Birmingham.<strong>Mr</strong>s D Oscar, Moseley.<strong>Mr</strong> P Dodson, Draycott.They each receive a DonaldRussell taster box. Some ofthe other entries are on pages58 and 59, together with aphoto Leanora and Stuarten route from the churchto the reception.Each box contain 8 servings.2 Sirloin Steaks2 Ribeye Steaks4 Rump Medallions4 Fillet MedallionsNormal price£54.87 including delivery.Special Price£39.90 including delivery. 01467 629666 or visitwww.donaldrussell.com/specialand quote special offer code:BRIDGE2.BEGIN BRIDGEIn addition to Acol Revisionat Staverton Park this Easter,I have a bridge for absolutebeginners course. At the endof the four-night beginners’course, participants should beable to play in a Chicago /rubber drive and not feel outof place at a gentle duplicate.Staverton ParkEaster – 20-24 March£299 inclusive4 nights full boardNo single supplement 01483 489961Page 4

SOLUTIONCOVER STORYAT THE ROYAL KENZTUNISIA 2009Duplicate HolidayTwo-weekhalf-board holidayBernard Magee and his Team22 Feb – 8 Mar £699**per person half-board sharing a twin-bedded room and isinclusive of bridge fees. Single supplement £5 per night.These prices are based on air travel from Gatwick toMonastir. Flights from other UK airports are available at asupplement. All prices are firm only until 31 March 2008.Pay £70 per fortnight per person extra and have a poolfacingroom, tea & coffee making facilities, bath robeand a bowl of seasonal fruit.Both these holidays have been organised for by Tunisia First Limited ATOL 5933working in association with Panorama Holidays ATOL 0782.DETAILS & BOOKINGS 01483 489961North♠ K Q 5♥ Void♦ 6 5 4♣ A K 9 8 6 3 2WestEast♠ J 9 3 ♠ 2♥ A K 7 6 3 2 ♥ 9 8 5 4♦ K 8 ♦ J 10 9 3 2♣ J 7 ♣ Q 10 5South♠ A 10 8 7 6 4♥ Q J 10♦ A Q 7♣ 4Contract 6♠ by South.West leads ♥A.Ruff ♥A with ♠5.Play ♣A-K throwing ♥J.Play ♣2 and ruff with ♠A.Play ♠4 to the ♠Q.Play ♣3 throwing ♥Q.West can ruff but then has tolead1 A heart which declarerruffs in hand, then playsa trump to the King andcashes dummy’s goodclubs.2 A diamond to the ♦Q anddeclarer leads a trump tothe King as in 1.3 A trump to dummy andthe clubs are good.If West does not ruff, clubsare lead until he has to ruff.TRUST METhe cut-out page opposite ismultipurpose. Please use itto enter either of the twocurrent competitions. It canalso be used to re-registeryour details if you have notdone so in the last two orthree years. You may alsouse it to enable friends orfamily to receive their owncopy. In addition, you mayhave some “to the point”comment you might chooseto share with other readers.I will only use the data youprovide to write to you andsend you BRIDGE.This cartoon by MargueriteLihou needs a short bridgerelatedbubble caption forthe amusement of yourfellow readers. Please sendin your caption using thecut-out page facing page 6.The writer of the chosenentry will win a bridgeweekend at Harben, our newvenue at Newport Pagnell.OBITSSadly, I have to report thatlast year, long standing <strong>Mr</strong><strong>Bridge</strong> supporter SylviaHardman of Bath, died aged82. She was a bridge teacherwho will be greatly missedby her students, her largeextended family and me.John Gavens also died lastyear, having been thecollector of readers usedpostage stamps for severalcharities, latterly GuideDogs for the Blind. Newarrangements will be madeto continue this work sodon’t stop saving them.Raymond Brock, husband ofour agony aunt, Sally, diedon New Year’s Day. See theobituary on page 24.May they rest in peace.TUNISIA 2009Bernard Magee and his teamwill again be at the adultsonly Royal Kenz Hotel nextyear. I am acceptingbookings at £699 per person,sharing, until 31st March.After this date the newseason’s price will apply.Page 6

✄If you have not contacted us in the last two years, pleaseenter your details in the box below to re-register:Name (Dr <strong>Mr</strong>, <strong>Mr</strong>s, Miss).............................................................................................................................Address ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Postcode .............................................................Telephone.......................................................................My bid for the Harben Hotel bidding quiz: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................My suggestion for the cartoon bubble is: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................If you have any comments, queries or points of interest, please use this panel and post them in:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Please send BRIDGE to the following enthusiasts:<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................Address ..................................................Address ..................................................Address .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Postcode ...............................................Postcode ...............................................Postcode .....................<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................<strong>Mr</strong>/<strong>Mr</strong>s/Miss............................................Address ..................................................Address ..................................................Address .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Postcode ...............................................Postcode ...............................................Postcode .....................✄Please complete all or part this form and return to, Ryden Grange, Knaphill, Surrey, GU21 2TH.BR87

TRAVELINSURANCEIf you need travel insurance,do have a close look at thepolicy on offer on page 54and use the form on thefacing page if the price isright. Global TravelInsurance will be making asmall payment for everypolicy written and believeme, every little helps.MY CRUISEAlthough I have visited theNorwegian Fjords severaltimes, I never tire of goingback. For 2008, <strong>Mr</strong>s <strong>Bridge</strong>and I are taking a slightlylonger look and returningfrom the fjords via theShetland Islands,Invergordon and Leith,spending the day inEdinburgh. I’m alreadylooking forward to it – fordetails see the advertisementon the facing page.COACHEDScottish travellers maydisembark at Leith to savetheir long journey back fromHarwich.Free transport is beingprovided from Scotlanddown to Harwich whichcould take some of thehassle and stress out of theinitial journey.SHARING SINGLESI am matching up thosesingles willing to share atwin-bedded cabin for the2008 summer cruises onboard Discovery. Thoseinterested should ring rightaway. Willingness to share acabin does help to keepcruise fares down.DISCOVERY AWARDBERNARD MAGEEON DISCOVERY2008Bernard Magee is repeatinghis enormously successful2007 seven night cruise fromHarwich to Nice. Theitinerary of this short voyageallows for a lot of bridge tobe mixed-in with sunworshipand someinteresting ports of call.£494 per person sharing withan extra 5% off forDiscovery Club members.Bernard is also doing theround trip from Harwich upto the Fjords – another sevennight voyage, this one withthe magical scenery ofNorway as the attraction.There will also be a smallChicago / rubber party onboard hosted by Diana andBrian Holland.Later in the year, Bernard ishosting a fly-cruise holidayfrom Copenhagen to StPetersburg sailing back toHarwich. Those wishing tostart the cruise in Harwichmay do so, and cruise thefjords with Alex Davoud.Prices for the joint cruisestart from £1699 per personsharing. A chance to see theglories of Norway and theBaltic all in one go.CHARITIESThe adjacent dates are forthe charity events that I havebeen told about. If youwould like yours included,do write in with full detailsand allow at least six monthsnotice, if possible. <strong>Bridge</strong>players are busy people andfill their diaries well ahead.CHRISTIANSIN IRAQI am sponsoring a bridge dayout in support of Christiansin Iraq. Bernard Magee willhost the event and give theseminars.Wednesday 2 April 2008The Jubilee Hall,Little Shore Lane,Bishops Waltham,Southhampton. SO32 1ED.Reception (coffee/tea)10.30 to 11.15Signals with BernardBufffet Lunch<strong>12</strong>.45 to 2.15Discards with BernardTea and Cakesapprox 4pmfollowed byAny QuestionsTickets £30 per person. 02380 694959The entire proceeds will goto Christians in Iraq. Allcosts have been sponsored.POST SAVINGPostal rates are always goingup, so buy your stamps fromClive Goff who buys them atpublic auction and sells themat face value less 10%.For further details ring him. 020 8422 4906.CHARITYBRIDGE EVENTSFEBRUARY 20083 YORKSHIRE CANCER RESEARCH.Leeds <strong>Bridge</strong> Club.£<strong>12</strong>.50 inc refreshments. 0113 28929958 ARTHRITIS RESEARCH.St. Ives. Village Hall. £13.00.Lorna Baker 01480 462783MARCH 20087 ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH. £13.00.Village Hall, Hemingford Abbots.Pat Cole 01480 43157416 ROMSEY HOSPITAL.Crosfield Hall, Romsey. 2-8 PM.Buffet supper provided. Bringyour own wine. £40.00 per table.Chris Marchant 01794 52200318 ARTHRITIS RESEARCH.Bowling Club St Neots. £13.50.John Shaw 01480 475454APRIL 20082 CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ. £30.Bishops Waltham. 11am-5pm.Includes buffet lunch and twoseminars from Bernard Magee.Margaret Cochrane 023 8069 495918 CAMFED. £13.00.Village Hall, Hemingford Abbots.Sally Lawson 01353 662821MAY 20082 CHESHIRE HOMES.Hartford Village Hall. £13.00.Malcolm Howarth 01480 2<strong>12</strong>91014 CHARITY BRIDGE.RAF Wyton. £14.00.Suki Pie 01480 89048030 RFET – HUNTS & FENS. £13.00.Regional College Huntingdon.Malcolm Howarth 01480 2<strong>12</strong>910JULY 200811 MCMILLIAN NURSES.Wicken Village Hall. £15.00.Liz Ambrose 01353 66317920 SAWTRY CHURCH.Sawtry Village Hall. £13.00.Pat Walters 01487 830674OCTOBER 200824 CHESHIRE HOMES.Hartford Village Hall. £13.00.Malcolm Howarth 01480 2<strong>12</strong>910NOVEMBER 200721 AIR AMBULANCE. £13.00.Village Hall, Hemingford Abbots.Sheila Poval 01480 395394Page 7

Bernard Magee SaysRuff in theShort HandFirstly, let me define ‘short hand’.When you are playing in a trumpcontract, we call the hand(declarer or dummy) with longer trumpsthe long hand and the hand with theshorter trumps the short hand.Some ruffs you aim for and some youhave forced upon you. The ones you aimfor either create extra tricks, or are worthextra tricks in their own right. Ruffs inthe short hand are very often worth extratricks in their own right:♠ 9 8 7♥ 3♦ 9 5 4 3 2♣ A 10 5 2NW ES♠ A K Q J 10♥ A J 5♦ A♣ K Q J 9Contract: 7♠ by South. Lead: ♦K.Spades are trumps and your target isthirteen tricks. You have a singleton ineach hand, but you do not try to ruff inboth hands – generally you go for ruffsin the short hand. You start with fivetrump tricks but need more. Ruffinghearts in the short hand is the way to dothis. Each time you ruff a heart youmake an extra trick as you still have fivetrump tricks in your hand.How different the case is if you try toruff diamonds in the South hand. Nowinstead of gaining a trick you are justmaking the same five trumps: only asfour top trump tricks and a ruff. Indeed,not only do you not gain a trick, but youalso shorten your trumps. This couldprove disastrous as you can see from thefull diagram.♠ 9 8 7♥ 3♦ 9 5 4 3 2♣ A 10 5 2♠ Void ♠ 6 5 4 3 2♥ K 9 7 6 N ♥ Q 10 8 4 2♦ K Q J 8 6W ES ♦ 10 7♣ 8 6 4 3 ♣ 7♠ A K Q J 10♥ A J 5♦ A♣ K Q J 9The play is simple if you focus on ruffingin the short hand. You have eleven toptricks and so need just two ruffs. Take thered aces, ruff a heart and come to handwith a trump, on which West shows out.Then ruff another heart, come to handwith a club and finish drawing trumps.Your good clubs win the last three tricks.Eleven tricks have become thirteen byruffing twice in the short hand. Just onediamond ruff in the long hand and youwould have lost control as East wouldhave more trumps than you. Sel dom willtrumps break so badly, but you shouldavoid needless ruffs in the long hand.Here is a typical example of ruffing inthe short hand from a duplicate pairs:♠ K Q 7♥ 3 2♦ A 8 5 3♣ Q 7 6 5NW ES♠ A J 10 5 4♥ J 9 5♦ K 2♣ A K 2Contract: 4♠ by South. Lead: ♦Q.You count ten tricks on top and have achance of an eleventh from your clubsuit. However, a 3-3 break is against theodds, so you would like a surer way ofmaking an overtrick. Whenever you arelooking for extra tricks, always considerruffing in the short hand.♠ K Q 7♥ 3 2♦ A 8 5 3♣ Q 7 6 5♠ 9 8 6 ♠ 3 2♥ A 10 8 7 N ♥ K Q 6 4♦ Q J 10 6W ES ♦ 9 7 4♣ 10 4 ♣ J 9 8 3♠ A J 10 5 4♥ J 9 5♦ K 2♣ A K 2If you can ruff a heart in dummy, youmake your eleventh trick. Win the firstdiamond in hand and give up a heart.Win the trump return in dummy andplay another heart. Win the next trumpin hand, ruff a heart in dummy and crossto hand with a club to draw trumps.The defenders could have stopped youfrom making eleven tricks by leading atrump at trick one. Of course, as theclubs broke 4-2, there was no extra trickthere. Once again, note that ruffingdiamonds in the long hand would notgain tricks.ConclusionRuffing in the short hand nearly alwaysgains a trick, so you should always lookfor ways to do so in your plan. It is anespecially useful tactic in Pairs, wheremaking overtricks can be veryimportant. There are so many deals onwhich making that extra ruff will moveyou up the scoreboard.■Page 9

Stephen Cashmore SaysTwo Opening HandsShould Bid to GameConventional wisdom is that youneed about 25 points in yourcombined hands to take the ninetricks required for 3NT, 26-27 to makefour of a major suit (because you needan extra trick), and 28-29 to make five ofa minor suit (which entails taking twoextra tricks).It follows that, if partner opens thebidding with a value-showing bid, andyou also have an opening hand, simplearithmetic puts you in the region of 25points or more. You should thereforeensure the partnership bids to game.Of course, this is not true if partneropens the bidding with something thatshows less than opening values – easyexamples being a weak two bid or athree-level pre-empt. You need a stronghand to think about going to game ifpartner has advertised a weak hand.However, if partner makes a normalopening of, say, 1♥ or 1NT, and you toohave an opening bid, game should be“on the cards”.Let’s say you pick up this ordinarylooking selection:♠ 10 8♥ K J 10 2♦ K J 8 6♣ A J 5First in hand, you would no doubt open1NT. In fact, partner is first to speak andopens 1 (something). Your first thoughtshould be that, as you have 13 pointsyourself, you must make sure that thebidding gets to game.Here are some examples (you areEast):West North East South1♣ Pass 1♥ Pass1NT Pass 3NT EndOpposite 1♣ (or 1♦ if that is your style)from partner, you have an easy responseof 1♥. When he rebids 1NT, showing15-16 points, you simply jump to 3NTto end proceedings.West North East South1♥ Pass ?Curiously, it is harder if partner kicks offwith 1♥, your best suit. 2♥ and 3♥ areout – they are non-forcing limit bids. 4♥is also out – this is a pre-emptive bid,showing something like:♠ J♥ K 10 9 6 5 4♦ Q 7 5 2♣ 9 2To bid your actual hand, you will, if youdo not have a gadget like a Jacoby 2NT toshow a game-forcing raise, have to temp -orise with 2♦. You intend to bid 4♥ on thenext round. The key thing is to make a bidthat ensures that there is a next round, notone that poor partner might pass.West North East South1♠ Pass ?You also have a decision to make ifpartner starts with 1♠. You cannot bid2♥, as that promises five hearts. Youcould bid an immediate 3NT, but thatrisks missing a 4-4 heart fit, not tomention a possible slam if partner hasthe right hand. So, you try 2♦ again –abid to keep the auction open so that youcan see what partner bids next.In all three cases, the key point is thatyou can see immediately that you shouldbe bidding to game. You must thereforemake either a forcing bid, such as achange of suit, or bid game.Of course, we have all failed in 3NT ona combined 28 points, or a doomed 4♥with 30 points. Just because we knowwe should bid a game doesn’t mean weare going to make it! You just can’tafford to wait for a 100% contract.♠ 9 5 2 ♠ 10 8♥ A Q 8 N ♥ K J 10 2♦ A Q 2W ES ♦ K J 8 6♣ K 10 6 3 ♣ A J 5Here we see the combined cards for thefirst example. West opens 1♣, Eastresponds 1♥, West rebids 1NT and Eastjumps to 3NT. This is all very sensible,but neither player has a spade stopper –the defenders might very well take thefirst five tricks. What went wrong? Well,nothing really: East-West are unluckythat their red-suit honours are duplicatingeach other – but that is hard to diagnosein the auction. This is more typical:♠ Q J 9 7 5 ♠ 10 8♥ A Q 8 5 N ♥ K J 10 2♦ A 2W ES♦ K J 8 6♣ 10 6 ♣ A J 5Both members of the partnership have13 points – enough for an opening bid –and game is excellent. You would expectto reach 4♥ and make it losing twospades and probably a club. Even theinferior games of 4♠ and 3NT stand agood chance of making. In 4♠, youmight lose the same tricks as in 4♥. In3NT, you might well get away withlosing two spades and two clubs.So, if you and partner have 25 (ormore) points, you should bid up to agame somewhere. Remember: openingpoints + opening points = bid game. ■Page <strong>12</strong>

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