Living with Hepatitis C - Jason's Story - Part 1 - HCV Advocate

Living with Hepatitis C - Jason's Story - Part 1 - HCV Advocate

Living with Hepatitis C - Jason's Story - Part 1 - HCV Advocate


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<strong>with</strong> genotype 1a.During the process of my initial diagnosis, I wasgiven a hepatic panel that measured various liverfunctions. This series of blood tests measuredalanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartateaminotransferase (AST) enzyme levels in myblood. These are enzymes that are released intothe blood when the liver is damaged. My doctoralso recommended other tests intended to measurethe amount of bile duct blockage and cirrhosisas well as to measure blood clotting speed andbilirubin levels.– Jason C. Torojctoro@dons.usfca.edu<strong>Part</strong> 2 will focus on a discussion of acute vs.chronic, duration of disase and liver biopsy.Akanksha, M. (1999). <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C. Retrieved October 21, 2007, fromhttp://www.brown.edu/Courses/Bio_160/Projects2000/<strong>Hepatitis</strong>C/virmain.htmlAmerican Liver Foundation. (2007). <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C. Retrieved October21, 2007, from http://www.liverfoundation.org/education/info/hepatitisc/CDC. (2007). Viral <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C. Frequently Asked Questions.Retrieved October 21, 2007, from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/c/faq.htm#1b1Chen SL, Morgan TR. The Natural History of <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Virus (<strong>HCV</strong>)Infection. Int J Med Sci 2006; 3:47-52. Retrieved October 22, 2007,from http://www.medsci.org/v03p0047.htmFranciscus, A. (2006). A Guide to Understanding <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C: <strong>HCV</strong>.Retrieved October 21, 2007, from http://www.hcvadvocate.org/hepatitis/About_<strong>Hepatitis</strong>_pdf/1.1_Hepatits_C/<strong>HCV</strong>%20Guide%2006_final.pdf<strong>Hepatitis</strong>-Central.com. (2007). Modified Hepatic Activity Index.Retrieved October 21, 2007, from http://www.hepatitis-central.com/hcv/biopsy/modified2.htmlHu, K. (2006). International Journal of Medical Sciences. Advancesin Managing <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Virus (<strong>HCV</strong>) Infection. Retrieved October 21,2007, from http://www.medsci.org/hepatitisc.htmlMedicineNet.com. (2005). ELISA Tests. Retrieved October 21, 2007,from http://www.medicinenet.com/elisa_tests/article.htmThompson, M. (2004). <strong>Hepatitis</strong>. In K. Lee Lerner & Brenda Lerner(Eds.), Gale Encyclopedia of Science, Vol. 3. (3rd ed., 1966-1969).Detroit: Gale. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Gale Virtual ReferenceLibrary via Thomson Gale: http://0-find.galegroup.com.ignacio.usfca.edu:80/gvrl/infomark.do?&contentSet=EBKS&type=retrieve&tabID=T001&prodId=GVRL&docId=CX3418501121&source=gale&userGroupName=usfca_gleeson&version=1.0Be Sure to Check OutThese Other Stories•Alan’s <strong>Story</strong>•Brian’s <strong>Story</strong>•Carol’s <strong>Story</strong>•David’s <strong>Story</strong>•Dee’s <strong>Story</strong>•Gerald Moreno’s <strong>Story</strong>•Jake’s <strong>Story</strong>•Kathleen’s <strong>Story</strong>•Leslie’s <strong>Story</strong>•Martha’s <strong>Story</strong>•Mike’s <strong>Story</strong>: <strong>Part</strong> 1•Rosa’s <strong>Story</strong>•Twila’s <strong>Story</strong>www.hcvadvocate.org/community/stories.aspFor more information about hepatitis C, hepatitis B and<strong>HCV</strong> coinfections, please visit www.hcvadvocate.org.Executive DirectorEditor-in-Chief, HCSP PublicationsAlan FranciscusDesignPaula Fener•hcspFACTsheet•A publication of the <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Support ProjectProductionC.D. Mazoff, PhDContact information:<strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Support ProjectPO Box 427037San Francisco, CA 94142-7037alanfranciscus@hcvadvocate.orgThe information in this fact sheet isdesigned to help you understand andmanage <strong>HCV</strong> and is not intended asmedical advice. All persons <strong>with</strong> <strong>HCV</strong>should consult a medical practitioner fordiagnosis and treatment of <strong>HCV</strong>.This information is provided by the<strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Support Project • a nonprofitorganization for <strong>HCV</strong> education, supportand advocacy• © 2008 <strong>Hepatitis</strong> CSupport Project • Reprint permission isgranted and encouraged <strong>with</strong> credit tothe <strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Support Project.H C V A D V O C A T Ewww.hbvadvocate.org<strong>Hepatitis</strong> C Support Project • version 1.0 June 2008

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