SOUND DOCTRINE IS PRICELESS - Free sermon outlines, Bible ...

SOUND DOCTRINE IS PRICELESS - Free sermon outlines, Bible ...

SOUND DOCTRINE IS PRICELESS - Free sermon outlines, Bible ...


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(2) The influence of Judaizing teachers was to be guarded against. It is evident fromActs ii. 11, that there were Jews residing there; and it is probable that it was by those whohad gone from that island to Jerusalem to attend the feast of the Pentecost, and who hadbeen converted on that occasion, that the gospel was first introduced there. From thisepistle, also, it is clear that one of the great dangers to peity in the churches of Crete,arose from the efforts of such teachers, and from the plausible arguments which theywould use in favour of the Mosaic law; see chap. i. 10, 14-16; iii. 9. To counteract theeffect of their teaching, it was necessary to have ministers of the gospel appointed inevery important place, who should be qualified for their work. To make thesearrangements, was the great design for which Titus was left there; and to give him fullinformation as to the kind of ministers which was needed this epistle was written."

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