DIG3811: User-Centered Design - HcI - University of Central Florida

DIG3811: User-Centered Design - HcI - University of Central Florida

DIG3811: User-Centered Design - HcI - University of Central Florida

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instructions attached to the assignment handout given in class. Deviations from these instructions will resultin a loss <strong>of</strong> grade points for that assignment.VII. Late WorkAssignments must be turned in by class time on the date they are due unless otherwise noted. Most<strong>of</strong> the assignments in this course are milestones in the completion <strong>of</strong> your final project, and so it isto your benefit that you stay on schedule. Credit will not be given for late assignments unless youhave a documented medical emergency or other legitimate excuse that you have spoken with meabout in advance. If I do allow you to submit late work in extraordinary circumstances, I reserve theright to deduct points for lateness.If you do experience a personal emergency that hinders your ability to do the work in this class,please notify me and your project partner as soon as possible. It will be difficult for me to makeaccommodations for you if you wait to tell me about these events until the end <strong>of</strong> the course, andyour project partner will likely not be very happy if you don’t give them adequate time to adjust toyour absence.VIII. Attendance and ParticipationStudents are expected to show up to class on time and be prepared to participate in classdiscussions (i.e., do the readings!!). There will be an attendance sheet at the beginning <strong>of</strong> class andit is your responsibility that you check-in yourself by signing on the sheet. Checking-in for yourfriend is not allowed. Every absence will result in a 2 point reduction. If you come to the class lateand sign-in the attendance sheet at the end <strong>of</strong> class, you will lose one point. If you are excessivelylate (e.g., you’ve missed half the class), I will mark you absent regardless and you will lose twopoints. Absence is permitted only for appropriate reasons such as illness or family emergencies. Youshould notify me <strong>of</strong> your absence ahead <strong>of</strong> time via my email or call (leave a message if I can’t takeyour call) that you will be absent and why. You should submit a pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> document after yourabsence, otherwise I will deduct two points for your absence.Please be respectful <strong>of</strong> other students in the class and the instructor by putting your cell phones onsilent and muting your laptops. Laptops will be allowed for note-taking purposes but I reserve theright to prohibit their use if leisurely web-surfing becomes a problem. There will be certain days andactivities for which I’ll ask people to put their laptops away.IX. Academic DishonestyAll written and creative work in this course must be your own. Plagiarism and cheating are notacceptable and will result in a failing grade, subject to further inquiry and discipline not excludingacademic probation and expulsion. If you are uncertain as to what constitutes academic dishonesty,4/7

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