Spring 2013 - University Honors College - University at Buffalo

Spring 2013 - University Honors College - University at Buffalo

Spring 2013 - University Honors College - University at Buffalo

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community and NSF officials. But, according to Upadhyaya, theuniversity’s str<strong>at</strong>egic loc<strong>at</strong>ion also played a factor. Home to oneof only 16 regional computer forensics labs in the country andsitu<strong>at</strong>ed on an intern<strong>at</strong>ional border, <strong>Buffalo</strong> was a selling point ingetting the grant proposal approved.And when it came time to apply for a renewal in 2012, Upadhyayaand UB highlighted the benefits of th<strong>at</strong> loc<strong>at</strong>ion as well as the trackrecord of success of the first cohort group. The result was a grantnearly twice as large as the previous award.“It’s like, ‘If I am going to give you more money, show me wh<strong>at</strong>you did with the money I gave you earlier,’” Upadhyaya said ofthe renewal process. “I know th<strong>at</strong> some of my colleagues <strong>at</strong> otherschools didn’t get their scholarship renewed simply because theydidn’t do as good a job as us in terms of explaining wh<strong>at</strong> they haddone, showing the track record and inspir<strong>at</strong>ion for their growth.”One difference in the second grant proposal was the inclusionof a mechanism for including undergradu<strong>at</strong>es in the program.Most, if not all, of UB’s inform<strong>at</strong>ion assurance work is done <strong>at</strong> themaster’s level. But Upadhyaya wanted a way to lock in talentedundergradu<strong>at</strong>es like Vu who were interested in the program, sohe proposed th<strong>at</strong> the NSF include funding for qualified BS/MSprojects and earn funding for college.“She prepared herself as an undergrad,” Upadhyaya said. “She wascoming to my research group meetings as a sophomore. I went toan <strong>Honors</strong> <strong>College</strong> lunch and talked about the scholarship. She wasjust a freshman <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> time but it sounded interesting to her. Whenshe applied, she already had a good understanding of wh<strong>at</strong> the fieldis and where she was heading.”Good prepar<strong>at</strong>ion is especially important for Vu, who as a foreignbornfemale is not the prototypical face of the U.S. cybersecurityforce. Like all candid<strong>at</strong>es for the scholarship, Vu was interviewed toensure th<strong>at</strong> she was likely to pass a background check and obtainthe necessary security clearances. But as a woman, she’s still aminority in the field. Among U.S. cybersecurity workers, malesoutnumber their female counterparts roughly 7 to 1, according to a2006 Intern<strong>at</strong>ional D<strong>at</strong>a Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion survey.“We’re all in it together and we’re all working toward the goal,so it’s not about wh<strong>at</strong> gender you are,” Vu said. “I feel like it’ssomething I’ll definitely have to overcome, but I try not to let itstop me. R<strong>at</strong>her, I’ll show them how good I am. Then they can’tignore me.”We all live on the same planet, so wh<strong>at</strong>ever we dois going to have an impact on everyone else.students. Under the grant, BS/MS students get an additional yearof funding while they complete their undergradu<strong>at</strong>e studies, butthen must complete an extra year of government service uponcompletion of the program.“I figured, well, when I gradu<strong>at</strong>e, I want to work for a federalagency anyway, so the requirement didn’t seem th<strong>at</strong> bad,” said Vu,the first BS/MS student <strong>at</strong> UB to receive a three-year award. “I’mstill surprised. Sometimes I think there should be more th<strong>at</strong> I needto do in order to s<strong>at</strong>isfy the requirements of the program. But Ithink it’s gre<strong>at</strong>. They’re really open to you doing your own thingand learning in your own way.”For Vu, getting involved in the program was an easy decision. Andso was the decision to accept her. Not only had she excelled inthe classroom, but Vu was president of the UB Society of WomenEngineers, had studied abroad twice, was pursuing a minor inJapanese and had been involved in an engineering outreachprogram with Northrop Grumman while a student <strong>at</strong> <strong>Buffalo</strong>’sHutch Tech High School. In her junior and senior years, sheparticip<strong>at</strong>ed in the WORTHY program (Worthwhile to Help HighSchool Youth), where she was able to work on engineering-rel<strong>at</strong>edVu has gotten plenty of support <strong>at</strong> UB along the way. She consultsregularly with Upadhyaya and Bina Ramamurthy, associ<strong>at</strong>eprofessor of computer science and engineering, and has worked asa teaching assistant for associ<strong>at</strong>e professor Carl Alphonce and the<strong>Honors</strong> <strong>College</strong> Colloquium, heading a team th<strong>at</strong> volunteered <strong>at</strong>the Gloria J. Parks Community Center.“Service learning and community service and being aware of thecommunity is a good focus, because th<strong>at</strong>’s important and relevantin every field,” Vu said. “And th<strong>at</strong> helped in the sense th<strong>at</strong>, I’m notjust here to pursue a degree. I’m here to make an impact on mycommunity too. So wh<strong>at</strong>ever I do there’s a lot of possibilities for meto help those around me.”Which is exactly the reason th<strong>at</strong> Vu got into the inform<strong>at</strong>ionassurance program: to make a difference.“I want to know where we’re most vulnerable and how I cancontribute the most by researching in th<strong>at</strong> one field, r<strong>at</strong>her thanresearching something th<strong>at</strong> is there and is convenient.“We all live on the same planet, so wh<strong>at</strong>ever we do is going to havean impact on everyone else.”N U M B E R X X X V I | S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 11

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