Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects

Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects

Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects

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M. A. Otaduy, R. Tamstorf, D. Steinemann & M. Gross / <strong>Implicit</strong> <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Handling</strong> <strong>for</strong> De<strong>for</strong>mable <strong>Objects</strong>Accounting <strong>for</strong> the numerical integration method (implicitEuler in our case), we can trans<strong>for</strong>m the implicit positionconstraints into velocity constraints. To do this, we first expressthe position update of contact points in terms of theirvelocities, p = p 0 +∆tṗ. The velocities of contact points canin turn be expressed in terms of the state velocity vector, asṗ = ∂ṗ∂ṗv. In our examples, the rows of the Jacobian ∂v ∂v constitutetriangle barycentric weights (<strong>for</strong> cloth) or tetrahedronbarycentric weights (<strong>for</strong> volumetric FEM). To summarize,the semi-implicit position constraints from Eq. (4) are trans<strong>for</strong>medinto velocity constraints of the <strong>for</strong>m:Jv ≥ − 1 ∆t g 0, (5)with J = ∂g ∂ṗthe generalized constraint normal.∂p ∂v3.3. Mixed Linear Complementarity ProblemWe model collision response with the method of Lagrangemultipliers, and express contact <strong>for</strong>ces as J T λ. Additionally,we employ Signorini’s contact model [DDKA06], which imposesnon-sticking constraints λ ≥ 0 on the contact <strong>for</strong>ces,and the complementarity condition 0 ≤ λ ⊥ g(p) ≥ 0. Complementarityhere means that contact points cannot push(λ > 0) and be distant (g(p) > 0) at the same time.The resulting system of equations is a mixed linear complementarityproblem (MLCP, called ‘mixed’ as it combineslinear equalities and inequalities). Given unconstrained velocitiesv ∗ , the MLCP that defines the constrained velocitiesv can be expressed as:A∆v = J T λ, ∆v = v − v ∗ ,0 ≤ λ ⊥ J∆v ≥ − 1 ∆t g 0 − Jv ∗ . (6)The MLCP is equivalent to a quadratic program [CPS92]where the objective function to be minimized is 1 2 ∆vT A∆v,subject to the contact constraints from Eq. (5). The inclusionof A in the distance metric of the objective function ensuresthat our algorithm is aware of the discretization method andthe internal dynamics of the de<strong>for</strong>ming objects.3.4. FrictionWe model friction with a pyramid approximation ofCoulomb’s friction cone, which allows us to naturally incorporateit into the constrained optimization <strong>for</strong>mulationdescribed above. We have opted <strong>for</strong> a 4-sided pyramid, butmore complex approximations are possible if higher accuracyis needed. Given a contact with constraint n T (p a −p b ) ≥ 0, we first compute the tangent unconstrained relativevelocity v ∗ t = (I − nn T )(v ∗ a − v ∗ b ). We then align the4-sided friction pyramid with this velocity, which amountsto computing unit tangent vectors t 1 = v ∗ t /‖v ∗ t ‖ and t 2 =n × t 1 . And we add friction <strong>for</strong>ces to the dynamics equationin Eq. (6) using Lagrange multipliers, which yields <strong>for</strong>cesγ 1 t 1 and γ 2 t 2 <strong>for</strong> each contact. In vector <strong>for</strong>m, these friction<strong>for</strong>ces can be expressed as H T γ. The 4-sided pyramidaligned with the unconstrained velocity has served as a goodapproximation in our examples.We handle friction in the constrained dynamics problemby augmenting the MLCP from Eq. (6) in the followingway. Given a friction coefficient µ, we express the followingcomplementary constraints <strong>for</strong> each contact: a linearizedCoulomb cone constraint ‖γ 1 ‖ ≤ µλ, and a velocity constraintv t1 ≥ 0 that prevents friction from reversing motion(and similarly <strong>for</strong> γ 2 ). Altogether, the problem from Eq. (6)turns into the following nonlinear complementarity problem:A∆v = J T λ + H T γ,0 ≤ λ ⊥ J∆v ≥ − 1 ∆t g 0 − Jv ∗ ,‖γ‖ ≤ µλ ⊥ H∆v ≥ −Hv ∗ . (7)In Section 5.4 we will describe our solution to frictional constraineddynamics, which is based on a decoupling of thenon-penetration and frictional problems.4. Constraint Manifold RefinementThe solution to our constrained dynamics problem alonedoes not guarantee a penetration-free state at the end of atime step. There are two possible reasons: the linearizationof the contact constraints, and the fact that the collision responseinduced by some constraints g may in turn violateother constraints that were not accounted <strong>for</strong>. In this section,we describe the first of our major technical contributions, atime-stepping algorithm based on constraint manifold refinementthat will guarantee a collision-free state. We also givean overview of how other different novel aspects of our workfit into the overall algorithm.We assume that a time step starts with a collision-freestate, (q 0 ,v 0 ). Then, the dynamics described by the linearizeddiscrete system A from Eq. (2) would yield an unconstrainedstate (q ∗ ,v ∗ ). However, we aim <strong>for</strong> a state (q,v)that satifies the constraint manifold Γ, and minimizes the‘distance’ to the unconstrained state subject to the metric A.The constraint manifold Γ that determines valid dynamicssolutions is nonlinear and highly dimensional. As an alternative,we propose the creation of a local conservative boundof Γ, through a process of progressive constraint manifoldrefinement (CMR). CMR intertwines steps of collision responsecomputation and continuous collision detection <strong>for</strong>reaching a collision-free state at the end of the time step. Anexample application of the CMR algorithm is schematicallydepicted in Fig. 3. Along with the initial and unconstrainedstates, CMR maintains a set of linear constraints g (describedin Section 3.2) that locally approximate Γ.At each iteration of CMR, we per<strong>for</strong>m a frictional constraineddynamics update as described in Section 3.4. Thisresults in a tentative simulation state (q,v) that satisfies thec○ 2008 The Author(s)Journal compilation c○ 2008 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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