NOV. 2008 - The Rainbow Times

NOV. 2008 - The Rainbow Times

NOV. 2008 - The Rainbow Times

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20 • Nov. 6 - Dec. 3, <strong>2008</strong> • <strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Times</strong> • www.therainbowtimesnews.comQueer Movie Reviews‘Half a Person’ packs whole lotta punchMBy: Ginger Harris*/Special for TRTayhem ensues when a lovelornworking stiff and his freeloadingbest friend leave their smallOntario suburb behind and hop on a bus headedfor the big city. Straight and single Alex(Nigel Smith) and his gay best friend Mark(Michael Majeski) tackle the Canadian countrysidein search of a good time and a littleperspective in Half a Person, on DVD sinceOctober 21.Desperately single Alex is searching fororder in a life he finds increasingly uncertain.With his school days behind him and “nothingto show” for his success – neither personallynor professionally – the 20-something sets outto sate his demons and confront his futurewith loose ends tied up. Meanwhile, charismaticMark adopts his best friend’s quest ashis own, inviting himself along at the lastminute. Mark’s own demons, however, beginto rear their ugly heads as situations destabilizeon the road to Toronto: his relationshipwith live-in partner Tom is on the rocks, and alife spent guarding his sexuality and thenanswering for it has left him fleeing consequence.Both boys’ expectations of the tripare higher than the experiences it yields, astheir pilgrimage to the city is fraught withmild to moderate inconvenience: Bad timingresults in the pair missing their ride at a reststop; Mark’santagonisminstigates severalrun-inswith authorityfigures; andcavortingabout townwith a pair offlirtatiousyoung girlsthey meet onthe bus–Juliea n dCrystal–throwsa wrench ineveryone’semotionalcogs.Julie andCrystal’s relationshipparallelsMark andAlex’s, withone being thereckless thrill seeker and the other passivelyfollowing her own agenda. And when a nighton the town with their new travel companionsturns into more than they bargained for, Markand Alex arethrust into asort of latentcoming-ofagewherethey mustreevaluate,above all,their feelingsfor oneanother.Alex’sconvolutedsearch forclosure andthe means toa newbeginningcomes to ahead whenhe findshimself onhis father’sdoorstep. Inspite of asurprising revelation, the confrontationbetween father and son comes off as a touchanticlimactic but keeps with the consistentvein of “wrong turns” in the film. And thoughthe two friends are looking for answers inerroneous places, the day finally arrives whenAlex can no longer put his own life on hold tofix Mark’s problems.Half a Person raises some important issuesconcerning the transition from impressionableyouth to accountable adult. <strong>The</strong>re’s effectiveambiguity here surrounding an oft-referencednight spent hiding out in their high school asteenagers, which manifests Mark’s strugglewith his family’s rejection of his sexuality.<strong>The</strong> intimate nature of this night spent alone isan early representation of the therapeuticfunction of their friendship and proves to be apivotal point for both boys.Tensions run high in this 70-minute whirlwindof self-discovery, where two pals on theedge of adulthood come face to face with theirrespective pasts. As fraught with mishap astheir sojourn proves to be, there is tendernessto be found on the road, and the childhoodfriends discover that what they feel for eachother transcends the inevitable hardships ofgrowing up.* Ginger Harris is an intern with Line/BylineCommunications in New York City. Reach herat ginger.harris@sju.edu.HELP WANTED: $$$$Deliver <strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Times</strong> tothe Capital District of NY:(Albany, Schenectady & Troy)Must have:• Disposition to work 1x month• Valid NY or MA Driver’s Licence• Car Insurance & a reliable Car• Deliver paper on the exact date• Be courteous• Good communication skillsNPP from page 5“She can be found on the front cover ofCurve Magazine this month. It will be loadsof fun and extremely entertaining.”According to Seymour, the New Year’s Evecelebration will feature dinner, a VIP cocktailhour with Suzanne Westenhoefer, dancingwith DJ Studebaker Hawk, a comedy show,raffle, and ringing in the New Year with aChampagne toast at midnight.”Tickets are $100/person, $190 for two,”she said. More deals are listed on our website.<strong>The</strong>re are opportunities for corporate sponsorshipas well.”<strong>The</strong> Clarion and Conference Center hasjoined forces with NNP to offer a special NewYear’s Eve nightly discounted rate of $89.00when attendees book their reservation andmention NNP’s New Year’s Extravaganza.“It will be like a big ol’ lesbian pajama partywith our gay boy friends as well,” saidSeymour.Advanced ticket sales for the New Year’sEve Extravaganza with SuzanneWestenhoefer are available at NPP’s Florenceoffice, online at www.NohoPridePromos.comand at Pride & Joy, Northampton, Mass.“Tea dance tickets are not purchased inadvance,” said Seymour. “Just come ondown! Our events are 18+ to party and 21+ todrink.”All events are sponsored by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong><strong>Times</strong>, Web-tactics, Out! For Reel FilmSeries, Noho Pride and Smooth Movers.For more information about Noho PridePromos, visit their website atwww.NohoPridePromos.com or e-mailinfo@nohopridepromos.com.Q Puzzle Solution from P. 19For more information,please call518-391-2617TRT is an Equal Opportunity Employer, EOE.

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