a conversation with ann Cvetkovich - karin michalski

a conversation with ann Cvetkovich - karin michalski

a conversation with ann Cvetkovich - karin michalski


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Henry i rigaray r eporting<br />

Henry irigaray (in the studio):<br />

“TonighT we bring you a real inside sTory.<br />

henry sTein-acker-hill, live in The bedroom<br />

of lisa’s home, she brings you an emoTional<br />

invesTigaTion. henry?”<br />

Henry stein-acker-Hill:<br />

“hi, This is henry sTein-acker-hill reporTing To you<br />

from a bedroom. i am here wiTh my friend lisa<br />

who jusT had a really weird day. lisa, how are<br />

you feeling?”<br />

lisa:<br />

“i feel really Tired, i wanT To relax acTually.”<br />

Henry stein-acker-Hill:<br />

“why do you feel so Tired?”<br />

lisa:<br />

“iT’s probably because i have a hard Time sleeping<br />

every once in a while.”<br />

Henry stein-acker-Hill:<br />

“and why is ThaT?”<br />

lisa:<br />

“i Tend To ofTen have anxieTy...”<br />

Henry stein-acker-Hill:<br />

“inTeresTing. i also have anxieTy quiTe ofTen.”<br />

(Henry irigaray in the studio)<br />

“anxieTy has a long psychological hisTory wiTh<br />

women daTing back To freudian hysTeria. iT’s<br />

inTeresTing ThaT iT sTill manifesTs iTself Today.<br />

whaT does lisa do To combaT or To handle her<br />

anxieTy, henry?”<br />

- n ew RePORT / w ynne gReenwOOd and k 8 h a R dy -<br />

feeling bad

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