Workbook 6 - Literacy Link South Central

Workbook 6 - Literacy Link South Central

Workbook 6 - Literacy Link South Central

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Activity Eleven: Practise time management to arrive earlyEssential Skills Tip: Numeracy (Estimate Time)• Use your math skills to figure out when to leave to arrive on timefor an interviewOmar, Julia and Steve are all applying for the same job. Omar’s interview isscheduled for 9:00 am, Julia’s for 10:00 am and Steve’s for 11:00 am. Read theinformation below to figure out what time each job seeker needs to leave theirhome to arrive on time for the interview.1. Omar is driving to the interview. He knows that it will take him about 20minutes to get there from his house. Omar is a little worried about theparking. He is not sure where he will park his car during the interview.He wants to arrive 15 minutes early for the interview but he also needs tofactor in some extra time for parking. Omar thinks he had better allowhimself another 15 minutes to find parking.a) What time is Omar’s interview? _________b) What time does he want to arrive for the interview? ___________c) What time should he arrive to find a parking space? ___________d) How long will it take him to drive to the interview? ___________e) What time should Omar leave his house? ___________44

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