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Spring 2013] <strong>Fracking</strong> <strong>Patents</strong> 281potential impact of industry practices on the environment <strong>and</strong> human health. 1Even though hydraulic fracturing has become a common practice in the oil<strong>and</strong> gas industry since fracturing was commercialized in the late 1940s, ithas recently become quite visible <strong>and</strong> controversial in ways not previouslyexperienced. 2 During the course of its investigation, the Committee askedfourteen leading oil <strong>and</strong> gas service companies to disclose the types <strong>and</strong>volumes of the products they used in their fluids between 2005 <strong>and</strong> 2009,along with the chemical contents of those products. 3 The resulting analysiswas described in a press release as “the first comprehensive national inventoryof chemicals used by hydraulic fracturing companies during the drillingprocess.” 4 The responses revealed that the surveyed companies had used 780million gallons of some 2,500 different products, which collectively containedover 750 identifiable chemicals <strong>and</strong> other components. 5 According tothe Committee, “[s]ome of the components used in the hydraulic fracturingproducts were common <strong>and</strong> generally harmless, such as salt <strong>and</strong> citric acid,whereas others were unexpected, such as instant coffee <strong>and</strong> walnut hulls.” 6Of greater concern, a number of the components identified were extremelytoxic, such as benzene <strong>and</strong> lead, while still other components could not be1. On February 18, 2010, Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the Energy <strong>and</strong> CommerceCommittee, <strong>and</strong> Edward J. Markey, Chairman of the Energy <strong>and</strong> Environment Subcommittee,sent letters to eight oil <strong>and</strong> gas services companies. See Memor<strong>and</strong>um from Rep. Henry A.Waxman & Rep. Edward J. Markey to Members of the Subcomm. on Energy <strong>and</strong> Environment(Feb. 18, 2010) [hereinafter Feb. 18 Memo], available at http://democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20100218/hydraulic_fracturing_memo.pdf. In May 2010, they exp<strong>and</strong>edthe scope of their investigation to include six more service companies. Memor<strong>and</strong>um fromHenry A. Waxman & Edward J. Markey to Members of the Subcomm. on Energy <strong>and</strong> Environment(Jul. 19, 2010), available at http://democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/documents/20100719/Memo.Hydraulic.Fracturing.07.19.2010.pdf. The roots of this investigation traceback to 2007 when as Chairman of the Oversight <strong>and</strong> Government Reform Committee, Rep.Waxman requested similar information from the three largest oil <strong>and</strong> gas service companiesHalliburton, Schlumberger <strong>and</strong> BJ Services (since acquired by Baker Hughes). See Feb. 18Memo, supra, at 7.2. Starting in the 1990s, so-called slickwater hydraulic fracturing was first applied tothe Barnett Shale, a formation that underlies the city of Fort Worth, Texas, <strong>and</strong> at least 17surrounding counties. Since then, similar practices have been applied to an increasing numberof so-called “unconventional” shale formations throughout the United States. The scale <strong>and</strong>scope of hydraulic fracturing operations is now larger than ever, <strong>and</strong> these operations are nowoften taking place in more populated regions unfamiliar with oil <strong>and</strong> gas development.3. H.R. COMM. ON ENERGY & COMMERCE, CHEMICALS USED IN HYDRAULIC FRACTUR-ING (2011) [hereinafter HYDRAULIC FRACTURING REPORT], available at http://democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Hydraulic-Fracturing-Chemicals-2011-4-18.pdf.4. Press Release, H.R. Comm. on Energy & Commerce, Committee Democrats ReleaseNew Report Detailing Hydraulic Fracturing Products (Apr. 16, 2011), available at http://democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/index.php?q=news/committee-democrats-release-newreport-detailing-hydraulic-fracturing-products.5. HYDRAULIC FRACTURING REPORT, supra note 3, at 1.6. Id.

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