(Preliminary Results Announcement) PDF 0.71MB - Cairn Energy PLC

(Preliminary Results Announcement) PDF 0.71MB - Cairn Energy PLC

(Preliminary Results Announcement) PDF 0.71MB - Cairn Energy PLC

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3 Assets and Investments: Financial Assets and Working Capital3.1 Available-for-sale Financial AssetsGroupListed equityshares$mFair value of the residual available-for-sale financial asset recognised at date of sale 2,591.0Deficit on valuation (127.7)As at 31 December 2011 2,463.3Disposals (1,380.5)Surplus on valuation 55.6As at 31 December 2012 1,138.4Available-for-sale financial assets represent the Group's remaining strategic investment in the fully-diluted share capital of<strong>Cairn</strong> India, listed in India, which by its nature has no fixed maturity or coupon rate. These listed equity securities presentthe Group with an opportunity for return through dividend income and trading gains.Following the 2011 disposal of its majority shareholding in <strong>Cairn</strong> India, the Group disposed of a further 11.5% of itsshareholding in two separate transactions in June and September 2012 resulting in the recognition of a loss of $81.5m inthe Income Statement. The remaining minority holding of 10.3% is not held for trading and continues to be classified asavailable-for-sale. The fair value of $1,138.4m (2011: $2,463.3m) is based on the closing market value of INR 319.10(2011: INR 314.25) at 31 December 2012.3.2 Net Funds31 December 31 December20122011$m $mBank deposits 2.3 -Cash and cash equivalents 1,586.3 4,730.7Bank loan (29.6) -Net funds 1,559.0 4,730.7Cash at bank earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates. Short-term deposits are made for varyingperiods from overnight deposits to three months depending on the cash requirements of the Group and Company. Thebank loan represents amounts drawn under the Agora Oil & Gas AS revolving exploration loan facility.26

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