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We’ve entered the age of the customer — an era whenfocusing on customers is more important than anyother strategic imperative. Every executive knows thatcustomers matter. But most companies don’t approachtheir customer interactions in a disciplined way.This <strong>Forrester</strong> <strong>Perspective</strong> helps you understand how acompetitive shift has raised the importance of customer focus;how customer experience (<strong>CX</strong>) drives real business value; andhow to treat customer experience as a business discipline.Kerry Bodine is a vice president and principalanalyst, leading <strong>Forrester</strong>’s research oncustomer experience design. An expert onthe customer experience ecosystem, Kerrycoauthored Outside In: The Power of PuttingCustomers at the Center of Your IS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE?<strong>Forrester</strong> defines customer experience as how customers perceive their interactionswith your company. Executives don’t get to decide how customer-centric theircompanies are — customers do.Whether business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) — or productorservice-focused — every company in every industry can leverage great customerexperiences for business gain. Customer experience has always been important.Why is it now mission-critical?Moira Dorsey is a vice president and groupleader for the team that helps clients designand deliver great customer experiences.She also writes about user experienceacross digital touchpoints and voice of thecustomer | +1 617.613.6000 FORRESTER PERSPECTIVE: The Business Impact Of Customer Experience | 2