Open Court Reading - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Open Court Reading - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Open Court Reading - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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Grades 1-6 | Leveled Readers for Fluency | READING PROGRAMSComponentsGrade 1 Readers 6–Pack includes: Bo’s Walk; Indoor Recess; Sam at Bat; Our Five Senses;Animal Clues; Dogs to the Rescue; The Picky Eater; Field Day; Family Fun; Buttons, Buttons;Games Long Ago; Playing Around; Tasha’s Teddy Bear; The Lost Dog; The Frightened Mouse; AStorm; Loud Animals; A Look at the Beach; A Good Home; The Greedy Robin; From the City tothe Country; Where Do Cats Live?; Bat Homes; Houses on the Move.Grade 2 Readers 6–Pack includes: Look and Listen; A Fun Lesson; Sharing a Story; LauraIngalls Wilder; Where Do Books Come From?; An Alphabet for the Blind; The Feel ofGiving; Giving Back; Snow White and Rose Red; Saving the Sea Otters; Servus the RescueDog; Follow the North Star; The Empty Desert; Stripes; How Tiger Got His Stripes; WhyDo Zebras Have Stripes?; Arctic Animals; Insect Camouflage; That’s Why; Bones; T-Rex;Plant Fossils; The Lizard King; What Do Paleontologists Do?; Just Once; Waiting forOllie; The Grand Canyon; Alice Ramsey’s Brave Journey; The Long Journey West; OneGiant Leap for Mankind; Old Photos; The Recipe; Soccer and Snacks; The First President;The Pilgrims of Plymouth; Gateway to America.Grade 3 Readers 6–Pack includes: The Friendship Key Chains; Unsinkable Friendships;Extraordinary Eggs; Dogs on the Job; Join the Team; Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan; TheAmazing Journey of 372 KM; My Coyote; Wildlife Detectives; Bats Creatures of the Night;Amazing Ants; Hummingbirds; Seeds of Imagination; Sphere of Fun; Dinnertime Tales;Creating with Clay; Art Supplies; Hans Christian Andersen; Birthday Money; TradingTreasures; The Best Present; Coins From Beginning to the Bank; Gold Fever; The GreatDepression; What to Write; A Jumbo Story; Telling Stories; Quilting a Story; InuitStorytelling; Ellis Island Storyteller of the Past; Not for Me; The Country Cat and City Kitty;Moving to the Country; Ponds; Maple Harvest; From Wheat Seed to Bread.Grade 4 Readers 6–Pack includes: Lily Hammer; To Play or Not to Play; Duncan Park;Jamaica’s Dream Team; Disaster Dogs; Amelia Earhart Born to Fly; Special Carrots; ThePoplar Post; Full of Flavor; Free-Wheeling Workers; Ad Ventures; To Market, To Market;Nina’s Tail; For Alex’s Sake; Madhu’s Hero; Red Cross Sign of Life; What Big Teeth You Have;Split Personality Story of Phineas Gage; A Midnight Storm; Out of the Wilderness; TheStarving Time; Riding Rough Waves; Mandela’s Mission; Where Have All the Trees Gone?;Keep in Touch; Silence; Dots and Dashes; The Language of Flowers; Dogspeak; Mind Your E-Manners; Andrew’s Lucky Day; Emma’s Diary; A Land of Rainbows; The Stars and Stripes;The Mail Must Go Through; Dirty Thirties: Growing up in Dust Bowl.Grade 5 Readers 6–Pack includes: A Triple Win; Rivals; Extra Credit; Running to Success;Fastest Woman in the World; The Dare to Care Team; Stonehenge; Star Stories; A Mars Trek;Our Moon; Saturn; The International Space Station; An Interesting Guest; Three Fast Men;Passage in the Pantry; The Truth About Cinco de Mayo; Happy New Year; The Creator’s Game;Children of Liberty; Tories and Patriots; The Adams Secret Decoder; An American Patriot;Fighting for Information; Surviving Valley Forge; The Town Built in a Day; Cowgirl; HeadingWest; Mountain Men; Nicodemus the New Frontier; Connecting a Country; Teammates; LetterPerfect; Harold the Wanderer; Helen Keller; Created Equal; Island of Dreams.Grade 6 Readers 6–Pack includes: The Game of Her Life; Jeremy & His Amazing WalkingRobot; Twenty-One Miles to Catalina; Anne Sullivan; Susan B. Anthony; Lewis & Clark Chartinga New Nation; An Aboriginal Discovery; Journey to Machu Picchu; The Mysteries of Ohio; TheAztecs; The Inca Empire; Ancient China; The Gift of Green; Rising from the Fields; The BeadedBag; Cesar Chavez; Out of a Seat and Into History; A Traveler for Truth; Eat to the Beat;Studio Time; An Old Time History Lesson; Paul Robeson; Van Cliburn; The Story of Gilbert &Sullivan; The Cicadas Are Coming; The Summer of Bats; The Trip of a Lifetime; And Now forYour Local Forecast; The Great Barrier Reef; The Dian Fossey Story; Too High a Price; What’s inthe Box; Kenji’s Garden; Wild About Tulips; Make Time to Share the Wealth; Saving Treasures.Leveled Readers for FluencyLEVELED READERS FOR FLUENCYGrades 1–6GRADE 1Grade 1 Package*978-0-07-605654-5........................$117.96Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605648-4 ........................$25.05GRADE 2Grade 2 Package**978-0-07-605655-2........................$176.94Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605649-1 ........................$29.02GRADE 3Grade 3 Package**978-0-07-605656-9........................$176.94Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605650-7 ........................$29.02GRADE 4Grade 4 Package**978-0-07-605657-6........................$176.94Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605651-4 ........................$29.02GRADE 5Grade 5 Package**978-0-07-605658-3........................$176.94Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605652-1 ........................$29.02GRADE 6Grade 6 Package**978-0-07-605659-0........................$176.94Teacher’s Edition978-0-07-605653-8 ........................$29.02* Includes 1 Teacher’s Edition and 1 copy ofeach book (24 titles)** Includes 1 Teacher’s Edition and 1 copy ofeach book (36 titles)www.mcgrawhill.ca/sra11

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