THE SCOTIAD - damowords

THE SCOTIAD - damowords

THE SCOTIAD - damowords


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Wallace Prepares to Invade EnglandBOOK 4 – CROWN PRINCEThe Thistle & The ROseIn human hearts a garden grows,In Inglis men a gorgeous rose,& in the hearts of Scotis menThe pretty thistle claims its den,Both bristle with sharp barb & thorn,Both silent on an island lawn,Both noble & them both royal,Both rooted in a sacred soil,Both beautiful, when both in bloom,This island grants them little roomFor two sweet blossoms to expandBeyond plots of god-given land,Ah! tis a bitter wind that blowsWhen thistles live beside a rose!On Roslyn Moor ten thousand standWith Wallace to invade Ingland,Who proclaims to his loyal band,Now Longshanks has a desert madeOf Scotland, thus must we invadeThat cursed country of his crown,Forever lay his pennant down,My purpose plainly I declare,To win or die in battle there!‛Ten thousand lung-bursts rent the airAll to the Lord for grace they pray& left the moor in good array,Riding to spill the Suthron blood,Their treasures win & other good.

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