project - enerea

project - enerea

project - enerea


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ENERGLOBE NEWS4. DIRTY BUSINESSDirty businessThe most important thing you can do in your bathroom is to stop using virgin disposable tissuepaper products. For toilet paper, make sure it 100 per cent post-consumer recycled materials. Fortissues, use a hanky and for paper towels, use a microfibre cloth. It is reusable and washes reallywell.5. THE THRONEInstall a dual flush toilet and save water.6. THE RENOSpring is a great time to think aboutrenovating. For paint you will want to look forno or low VOCs.For renovation use carry recycled glass tiles,recycled paper moulding and recycled deniminsulation.For flooring, the greenest and cleanest optionis locally sourced and Forest StewardshipCouncil Certified (FSC) woods. FSC ensures thatthe wood comes from well-managed forests.The other option is linoleum, but you mustmake sure it is made from plant-basedmaterials like linseed oil, pine resin andpowdered cork. Linoleum lasts much longerthan vinyl (up to 40 years) and also hasantimicrobial qualities.16

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