Wisconsin In-Network Transportation Provider Checklist

Wisconsin In-Network Transportation Provider Checklist

Wisconsin In-Network Transportation Provider Checklist


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from establishing or maintaining service agreements with a <strong>Provider</strong> whohas committed fraud against a state or federal agency or has beensuspended, terminated or barred from participation in the MedicalAssistance Program. <strong>Provider</strong> acknowledges that LGTC is required by theClient Contract to terminate a service agreement with a <strong>Provider</strong> thathabitually provides substandard performance, as determined by the Client,or with a <strong>Provider</strong> that has failed to take satisfactory corrective actionwithin a reasonable time period not to exceed 30 days from the date ofnotice of the unacceptable performance. <strong>Provider</strong> acknowledges thatClient must pre-approve all agreements with <strong>Provider</strong> and also reservesthe right to direct LGTC to terminate any service agreement with a<strong>Provider</strong> when the Client determines it to be in the best interest of itsprogram.v. Specific Provision #3. <strong>In</strong> the instance of default by the LGTC, theAgreement will pass to the Client or its agent for continued provision oftransportation services. All terms, conditions, and rates established by theagreement shall remain in effect until or unless renegotiated with theClient or its agent subsequent to default action or unless otherwiseterminated by the Client at its sole discretion.r) Assignment. <strong>Provider</strong> may not assign, transfer, delegate, consign, or convey toany other person or entity <strong>Provider</strong>’s rights and responsibilities hereunder withoutthe express written consent of LGTC, such consent to be withheld in LGTC’s solediscretion. Any attempted unauthorized assignment shall be null and void. LGTCmay assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement and any suchassignment shall be communicated to <strong>Provider</strong> by written notice.s) Additional Provisions.i. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed inall respects in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of<strong>Wisconsin</strong>, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.ii.iii.iv.Headings. The headings and titles of the sections of this Agreement areinserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction orinterpretation of any provision herein.Non-solicitation. Neither <strong>Provider</strong> nor LGTC shall solicit for employmentany current employee of the other party nor employ any former employeeof the other party for a period of one year from the time any suchemployee terminates or is terminated from his or her position with theother party.Confidentiality. <strong>Provider</strong> shall treat all information obtained by it throughits performance under this Agreement as confidential, and shall not useany information so obtained in any manner other than to discharge its<strong>Wisconsin</strong> NET ProgramVersion: March 25 2011Page 21

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