Wildlife in Full Color - Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Wildlife in Full Color - Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Wildlife in Full Color - Ohio Department of Natural Resources


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Walk<strong>in</strong>g Stick4. ______________________________A walk<strong>in</strong>g stick is an <strong>in</strong>sect that doesjust what its name suggests, it looks likea stick that walks! They are slow-mov<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>sects with a slender body that can begreen or brown <strong>in</strong> color. Their threadlikeantennae and long, th<strong>in</strong> legs help them<strong>in</strong> their appearance. S<strong>in</strong>ce walk<strong>in</strong>g sticksfeed on trees and plants, they stay verystill dur<strong>in</strong>g the day so that birds and otherpredators won’t notice them.photo by JOE LOONGRock Bass5. ______________________________Rock Bass are a freshwater fish thatprefer to live <strong>in</strong> a stream or a riverwith a rocky bottom. When a predatoris look<strong>in</strong>g for a rock bass, it may beconfused <strong>in</strong> the difference between therocky bottom and the darker, mottledpattern <strong>of</strong> the fish’s scales.photo by BRIAN ZIMMERMANWhite-tailed Deer6. ______________________________White-tailed deer were named because<strong>of</strong> the white color<strong>in</strong>g on the underside<strong>of</strong> the tail. When a deer notices danger,it can raise its tail quickly and flash thewhite color as a signal to other deer thatsometh<strong>in</strong>g is wrong.photo by KATHRINE CLIFTONGreen Frog7. ______________________________Green frogs can range <strong>in</strong> color fromgreen to a greenish-brown, and usuallyhave some darker spots on their back.Be<strong>in</strong>g an amphibian, they are cold-bloodedand can sit very still <strong>in</strong> the water for a longtime without gett<strong>in</strong>g too cold. Their eyesare positioned on top <strong>of</strong> their heads sothey can still look out for predators orprey while keep<strong>in</strong>g most <strong>of</strong> their bodyunderneath the water. When a frog issitt<strong>in</strong>g on the edge <strong>of</strong> a pond or marsh,it is hard for a predator or prey to see itamong all the plants.photo by PAMELA HUGILLATTRIBUTES OF COLOR: CHROMAThe <strong>in</strong>tensity <strong>of</strong> a color that ranges from its purest state to gray is known as chroma. Chroma is <strong>of</strong>tenreferred to as the saturation <strong>of</strong> color. Chroma is the quality by which stronger or more vivid colors aredist<strong>in</strong>gushed from weaker or duller colors.2011 - 2012 WILD OHIO MAGAZINE7

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