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MY WGU EXPERIENCEPage 12My name is Tammy Baxter and I am a 2006 Western GovernorsUniversity graduate with a Bachelor Degree of Arts inEducational Studies. I live in one of the most beautiful places onearth: Maine. I live with my two children, Alyssa and Ryan, andhusband Mike. I am totally addicted to bike riding and kayaking,among other hobbies such as gardening. As a family, we like tohike, travel, cross-country ski in the winter months and enjoyour Boston Whaler in the summer months.Teaching is a second career for me. With a young family, Idid not know how I was going to obtain this goal. My friend, andformer superintendent, was instrumental in nudging me to lookTammy Baxterfor ways to further my education in this field; though I perceivedtime and family obligations as obstacles. Through the researchprocess, it became clear that WGU was the university for me! The WGU model fit me perfectly and I was supportedevery step of the way. The model was competency based, rigorous and it thoroughly prepared me to enhance myexisting skills as well as teach me new ones through in-depth study. Two weeks after graduating from WesternGovernors University, I was offered a teaching position. Currently, I am teaching fifth grade (love this age!) inBrunswick, Maine.As I have navigated the waters in this exciting field of education, it was a natural progression for me to seek outhigher learning for myself. In March 2008, I graduated from the University of New England with a master’s degree ineducation with a concentration in Literacy K-6. Without my experience at WGU, I truly feel I would not haveachieved this goal nor felt the confidence to attempt such an undertaking.All the time and effort that I have put forth over the past few years has affected more than just me, it has affectedan entire community. Through my experience with WGU, my students have benefited in numerous ways. Ihave implemented strategies and methods to inspire and engage them in their learning. My colleagues have beeninspired through my WGU experience, which has contributed to some amazing discussions and activities. Parentsof my students are well informed, not only by what and how their child is learning in school, but how they can assistin their child’s learning. My family has benefited in ways that I never thought of when I began this journey. Theyhave witnessed me become more self-confident and secure in the education I provide to my students. The toolboxof knowledge that I carry is full and invaluable, but never too full to add learning experiences throughout my career.My experience with Western Governors University is a life-altering one that I will cherish and continuously drawRefer–A-Friend ProgramRefer a friend to WGU and we’ll give you both a little “Thank You.” First, we’llwaive your friend’s application fee (a $65 value). Second, once they enroll andcomplete the Education Without Boundaries course, we’ll send you a $100 giftcertificate to Amazon.com to spend on everything you enjoy. Share your WGUexperience! We all know someone who talks about continuing their education.Take a moment and visit www.wgu.edu/refer to learn more about how you cangive a gift to a friend – the gift of saving money on a quality education – and geta gift from us.Submit Your StoryThe WGU <strong>Alumni</strong> staff wants to hear from you. Tell us about your experiences withobtaining your degree and your successes since you graduated. If you are interestedin submitting a story or your profile for the WGU <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, please e‐mailalumni@wgu.edu.

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