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which includes Georgia’s largestnursing facility, the 388-bedCrestview Health and RehabilitationCenter, and the Grady HealthSystem’s Hospice and <strong>Home</strong> HealthPrograms. Bullock joined theGrady Health System in October1996 as Crestview’s AdministrativeDirector/Assistant Administrator.She served as Acting Administratorfor one year prior to her April <strong>2002</strong>appointment.Darnell R. PresleyProfessional Achievement: Joinedthe Philadelphia Convention & VisitorsBureau (PCVB) as conventionsales manager. Her territories ofresponsibility include the Southeast,the West Coast and Canada.Cheryl R. TeamerProfessional Achievement: Joinedthe New Orleans office of the firm,Adams and Reese, LLP, Attorneys atLaw in June <strong>2002</strong>. She will focus ongovernmental relations practice.1986Karen Webb CrowellBirth: Daughter, Jasmine AmariCrowell, on December 12, 2001Patrice McWherter PyeBirth: Daughter, Jilian Clarice Pye,on December 29, 2001. Patrice andher husband, Al, are grateful to Godthat Jilian, born prematurely, isdoing great!1987Melanie F. WhitePersonal Achievement: Writingspublished in My Mother Had aDream, and her poetry appeared inGeorgia Women Speak.1988Vonda Vance-LeeBirth: Daughter, Faith ChristianaLee, born May 21, <strong>2002</strong> weighing 6lbs., 2 oz.1989Kupenda Auset(Joette Harland)Professional Achievement: Directedand produced the entertainmentevent, House of Life Dinner Theatre& Supper Club, on May 19, <strong>2002</strong> atthe Fihankra Cultural Arts Center inAtlanta’s West End. The event featuredAtlanta-based world-renownedsinger/songwriter Julie Dexter andher band, Blue Calabash.Tomika DePriestProfessional Achievement: NamedDirector of the <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>Office of Public Relations in February<strong>2002</strong>.Heather HawesEducation: Received a master’sdegree in tourism administrationfrom George Washington Universityin Washington, D.C. on Saturday,May 18, <strong>2002</strong>.Professional Achievement: Corporatesales for MGR Food Services at theGeorgia World Congress Center inAtlanta.Joyce Lewis KellyProfessional Achievement: Opened athree-woman family medical practicegroup in Clarkston, Georgia on August2, 2001.1990Brigitte BaileyPersonal Achievement: Appointed tothe Junior League of Atlanta Boardof Directors and the Atlanta-FultonLeague of Women Voters Board ofDirectors for 2001–<strong>2002</strong>.Williette Robertson-CrowderEducation: Received a medicaldegree and is currently an internalmedicine specialist practicing inColumbus, Georgia.1991Deidre Young EvansProfessional Achievement: JoinedMasiMax Resources, Inc. in Rockville,Maryland as Senior Conference Coordinator.She was also sworn in for athird term on the Civic Affairs Committeefor the City of Bowie, Maryland.The committee is responsible for planningthe city’s major celebrations.Sandra D. HudsonProfessional Achievement: ExecutiveDirector of the Rome HousingAuthority, Rome, Georgia.Brenda Joyce JonesProfessional Achievement: Directorof Housing for the Rome HousingAuthority, Rome, Georgia.Doreen Smith RaineyProfessional Achievement: BETBooks released her first novel, Foundationsfor Love, in May <strong>2002</strong>. Hersecond novel, Just for You, has ananticipated release date of December<strong>2002</strong>. In addition, she and her husbandrun X-Posure Entertainment, aproduction company and recordingstudio in the Washington, D.C. area.Yolanda Watson-MooreProfessional Achievement: NamedDirector of Programs for the AmericanAssociation of University WomenEducational Foundation, the world’slargest source of funding exclusivelyfor graduate women. She will overseethe management of the Foundation’sgraduate fellowship, grant andspecial award programs, which consistsof $2.8 million awarded annuallyto 300 women.1992Ericka J. BahnerEducation: Received a Master of Artsdegree in Arts and Media Managementin a European Context, UtrechtGraduate School for the Arts, Urecht,the Netherlands.Kelly R. HarveyMarried: Sean Jones, a Morehouse<strong>College</strong> alumnus, at MemorialChurch on the campus of HamptonUniversity. The couple’s weddingphoto appeared in the “SocietyWorld” pages of the February 4, <strong>2002</strong>issue of JET magazine.Juvonda S. HodgeProfessional Achievement: Completeda residency in general surgeryat Howard University Hospital inWashington, D.C., where she is currentlyin private practice.Rhonda R. WallerEducation: Received a Ph.D. in EducationalPsychology from HowardUniversity in May <strong>2002</strong>.1993Cynthia Blasingame BakerBirth: Daughter, Chelsea Pope Baker,born on March 10, <strong>2002</strong>, weighing 5lbs., 14 oz.Germayne M. CrowEducation: Graduated from AuburnUniversity on May 11, <strong>2002</strong> with adoctoral degree in Counseling Psychology.Her dissertation title is AStructural Equation of Depressionand Its Relationship to Perfectionism,Self-Esteem and Racial Identityin African American <strong>College</strong>Students.Professional Achievement: Employedas a therapist in the counseling andtesting center at the University ofCentral Florida, Orlando, Florida.April SavoyProfessional Achievement: In-houseattorney at SAFECO Insurance inSeattle, Washington.S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 0 219

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