Ant Colony Optimization: a literature survey - FEP - Working Papers

Ant Colony Optimization: a literature survey - FEP - Working Papers

Ant Colony Optimization: a literature survey - FEP - Working Papers


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⌊ ∑ ⌋if a =d i∑j (s + U[0, r], (6)j/m)where f a is the number of facilities to be opened by ant a, d i is the demand of customer i, s jis the supply on node j, m is the number of available locations for the facilities, and r is apre-specified integer constant with a value between the first term of the sum in equation (6) andm. After selecting the facilities to be opened, assignment ants assign each customer to one andonly one facility but they do not acknowledge, at least in this phase, whether the solution isfeasible or not, from the supply capacity point of view. The unfeasible solutions are dealt withby using penalties, in the local search phase.3.1.2 Visibility InformationThe heuristic information, also known as visibility, is an extra information available to the antalgorithm which is usually referred to as a kind of local information. Originally used as theinverse of the length of the arc between two cities in the TSP, it has suffered several mutationsthroughout the hundreds of approaches that have been developed since then.Lessing et al (2004) studied the influence of the heuristic information, also called the visibilityvalue, in the performance of ant algorithms when solving Set Covering Problems (SCPs). Twotypes of heuristic information are studied, static heuristic information, where the values arecalculated only once, at the beginning of the algorithm, and dynamic heuristic information, inwhich case the values are calculated at each construction step of each ant, as in the case of theant-density algorithm. The different heuristic information values used are based on the ColumnCosts,η j = 1 ; (7)c jthe (normalized) Lagrangean Costs C j ,η j = 1 C j; (8)the Cover Costs,η j = card j(S)c j, (9)where card j (S) is the number of rows covered by a column j;(normalized) Lagrangean Cover Costs,η j = card j(S)C j; (10)10

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