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Look out for more greatViva! Holiday destinations2012-20132012-20132012-20132012-20132012-20132012-2013CookIslandsCanadaHong KongMacau & ChinaSingapore& MalaysiaUniqueSouthPacificVanuatu2012-2013Bali2012-2013Fiji2012-2013Thailand2012-2013USA2012-2013UK &Europe2012-2013Hawai'iBooking ConditionsPlease read these conditions c<strong>are</strong>fully as theyapply to all Viva! Holidays bookings.Suppliers: Viva! Holidays is not itself atransport, tour, event or accommodationprovider. In making your travel arrangements<strong>we</strong> act only as an agent for the airlines, hotels,tour operators and other suppliers who supplythose services. You should obtain and read theapplicable supplier’s terms and conditions asthey may limit or exclude their liability to you.How to book: Contact your licensed AFTAtravel consultant, who will be responsiblefor managing your booking and forwardingyour payment to us. You will be deemed tohave accepted these conditions on behalf ofeveryone named in your booking. Please notethat all requests for bookings <strong>are</strong> subject toavailability.Booking fee: Your travel agency may applya booking fee in addition to the price of yourholiday package. Please check at the time ofbooking.Payment: A non-refundable deposit is payablewithin seven days of confirmation of yourbooking:• domestic (within Australia) $55 per person• international $165 per person• plus any additional deposit required bysuppliers (you will be notified at the timeof booking)Payment of the balance in full is requiredat least 30 days before the scheduledcommencement of your holiday (or earlierif specified for the particular package). Forbookings made within this period, full paymentis required at the time of booking. If you havenot paid by the due date, <strong>we</strong> may cancel yourbooking and retain your deposit.Cancellations: If you cancel your booking, theamount of your deposit will not be refunded,including deposits required by suppliers. If youhave paid the balance of your holiday price,suppliers may also impose cancellation feesamounting to all or part of the total price paid.Once your holiday has commenced, you cannotcancel or obtain a refund on any component ofyour booking regardless of whether you use it.Changes by you: If you change your holidaypackage and your documents need to bereissued, a change fee is payable at the timeof the change:• domestic (within Australia) $27• international $25• plus any cancellation / change fee imposedby suppliers for any component you cancel.Unforseen changes: If <strong>we</strong> have to changeany part of your booking, for example, if anairline changes its schedules or your chosenaccommodation is no longer available, orif there is an increase in the price due toadditional taxes or supplier charges, <strong>we</strong>will notify you. You will have the option ofcancelling your booking, in which case <strong>we</strong> willrefund the amount you have paid, less anycancellation fees imposed by other suppliers.International travel: Each passenger isresponsible for their own visa, passport (withat least 6 months validity), immigration,quarantine, customs, health and otherrequirements of the countries to be visited ortransited through. Viva! Holidays makes norepresentations as to the safety, conditions orother issues that may arise at any destination.Travel advice is available from the AustralianGovernment at smartraveller.gov.au.Limit of liability: To the maximum extentpermitted by law, Viva! Holidays excludes allliability for direct, indirect, consequential orincidental damages, lost profits or savings ordamages for disappointment. Our liability for abreach of condition or warranty implied by lawor otherwise, and which cannot be excluded,is limited to the extent possible, at our optionto the supply of the services again or thepayment of the cost of having the servicessupplied again.Insurance: Consider purchasing travelinsurance.Brochure validity: The prices and inclusions inthis brochure <strong>are</strong> valid for the dates specifiedand should be used only as a guide in relationto other dates. The prices <strong>are</strong> correct at date ofpublication but may fluctuate due to changesin surcharges, fees, taxes and currency.Please check all prices, availability and otherinformation with your travel consultant beforebooking.Descriptions: Product descriptions andpictures <strong>are</strong> generally provided by thesuppliers. Facilities may change from time totime. Pictures may not show the particularroom, décor, view or other specificationsincluded in your booking. Please check alldetails with your travel consultant beforebooking. Anything not specifically included inthe holiday package is at your expense.NOTE: Many images <strong>are</strong> supplied courtesy of hotels,tour operators and tourist bureaus.Privacy: Viva! Holidays collects informationabout you (including health information wherenecessary) to provide products and servicesto you, process your travel arrangements,facilitate your participation in loyalty programsand conduct marketing activities and marketresearch. If the information is not provided,Viva! Holidays may not be able to providethe service requested. Viva! Holidays maydisclose your personal information to itsrelated companies, carriers, travel serviceproviders, organisations which provideservices to Viva! Holidays (more details <strong>are</strong>available in our Privacy Statement on our<strong>we</strong>bsite www.vivaholidays.com.au) and variouslaw enforcement agencies, airports andgovernments around the world for security,customs and immigration purposes. You maygain access to the information Viva! Holidaysholds about you by contacting Viva! HolidaysCustomer Relations in writing at PO Box 7419,Alexandria, NSW 2015 Australia.Law of contract: These conditions <strong>are</strong>governed by the laws of Australia and anyaction arising under them or in any wayconnected with a Viva! Holidays package maybe brought only in a court in Australia, subjectto any law which is expressly inconsistentwith this.Please check our complete and up to datefull booking conditions available at our<strong>we</strong>bsite vivaholidays.com.auFor reservations see your ne<strong>are</strong>st licensed or AFTA Travel AgencyQantas Holidays Limited. ABN 24 003 836 459 trading as Viva! Holidays.Licence No. NSW - 2TA 003 004, VIC - 31288, QLD - TAG 740, SA - TTA 48 116, WA - 9TA 510Trade enquiries only 13 27 87 or visitvivaholidays.com.au/agents

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