Harry Potter and the Thunderstruck Muggles(01) - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Thunderstruck Muggles(01) - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Thunderstruck Muggles(01) - Sahits


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she's not going to tell me. But she has to talk with someone - so I thought you were <strong>the</strong> rightperson."Ginny stared at him. "Are you out of your mind?? ... What makes you think I'm going to talkto a complete stranger? You must be really thick to believe ..."<strong>Harry</strong> made a calming gesture with his h<strong>and</strong>. "Wait a minute ... It had to do with a man, <strong>and</strong>what he did to you, so much's for sure ..."Ginny's expression changed from disbelieving to furious, with him spilling such details in thiskind of public."... <strong>and</strong> Samantha's an expert in bad treatment from men. I think you should give it a try."Speechless, Ginny stared at him, at <strong>the</strong> woman.Samantha's voice was neutral. "It's your decision, hon ... I know <strong>the</strong>re are things you can tell abartender <strong>and</strong> nobody else. There's no bar inside, but a drink's within reach." She turned."<strong>Harry</strong>, get lost - <strong>and</strong> take your time."He nodded. "Of course."For <strong>the</strong> next two hours, <strong>Harry</strong> kept working in <strong>the</strong> training hall, harder than ever. His highkick-jump over <strong>the</strong> shoulder of that Claude had been <strong>the</strong> result of last week's exercises - nowhe intensified <strong>the</strong> training. Using a dummy in upright position, he placed an empty can on topof its head <strong>and</strong> trained kick-jumps that would hit this target without touching <strong>the</strong> dummy.Then, to relax a bit, <strong>and</strong> his mind more than his legs, <strong>Harry</strong> imagined <strong>the</strong> dummy as Cho'sdreamer - just <strong>the</strong> right picture to jump less high than before, <strong>and</strong> to kick into <strong>the</strong> face with <strong>the</strong>full force of his leg.The exercises were draining his madness, <strong>the</strong>n his boiling anger, finally his own strength. At<strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> two hours, <strong>Harry</strong> felt calm enough to meet <strong>the</strong> dreamer again without gettingover <strong>the</strong> fence. The unknown figure in Ginny's tour was a different story.He showered <strong>and</strong> dressed, <strong>the</strong>n went out <strong>and</strong> walked toward <strong>the</strong> hut. After a few steps, healready had company - <strong>the</strong> dog, spinning circles, racing forward, coming back, pure energy onfour legs.Samantha was sitting outside. Ginny nowhere in sight. <strong>Harry</strong> sat down. "I wouldn't mindsomething wet."Samantha grinned. "Wet <strong>and</strong> cold, or ..."Did he blush? "A drink - just that.""A beer, or something poisonous like a soda?""Soda's fine, thanks."The dog came along, a small lea<strong>the</strong>r ball between its fangs. The appeal was obvious - <strong>Harry</strong>should throw it.42

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