Purim! - Shir Tikvah

Purim! - Shir Tikvah

Purim! - Shir Tikvah


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Help organize aservice projectOnce again <strong>Shir</strong> <strong>Tikvah</strong> had thelargest group of participants in thecommunity-wide service projectthat served meals to seniors onChristmas day. This year, morethan 40 members participated and,unfortunately, the project neededto turn people away because of thelarge turnout.The project is an opportunity forindividuals and families to cometogether and participate in tikkunolam.Due to the amount of interest that<strong>Shir</strong> <strong>Tikvah</strong> members have in thiswork, we are in the process oflooking for our own activity to doeach year.If you would like to help organizethis please contact Jill Madsen atjmadsen@sabesjcc.org.Family conversationsworkshop April 22A workshop on issues relatedto aging adults will be held onSunday, April 22, from 1:30–3:30p.m. It will offer ways to:• Discuss housing, medical andhealth concerns, transportation,communications, conflict, andmore• Organize, structure, andfacilitate a positive familymeeting• Gather support and help forloved ones• Make plans for the future“Family Conversations” issponsored by the CaringCommunity and facilitated by <strong>Shir</strong><strong>Tikvah</strong> member Rich Kessler.For more information, you cancontact him at (952) 884-1128 orrichkessler@comcast.net.B’nai Mitzvah in MarchEllis Tomlinson and his family invite you to joinhim in celebrating as he becomes a bar mitzvah onMarch 17. He will be called to the Torah to readP’kudei, Exodus 39:11-21.Ellis is in the 7th grade at Lake CountryMontessori in Minneapolis. He enjoys reading,writing, basketball, and design. Ellis loves to actand he just played Lord Montague in his schoolplay, “Romeo and Juliet.”Because of his love of animals, Ellis will be givingtzedakah to the World Wildlife Fund.We are grateful to Stephanie Fink and Wendy Goldberg for their tutelageand support, and offer many thanks to Rabbi Latz and Rabbi Simon fortheir guidance.Ellis will be participating in Friday night services on March 16 at 6.30 p.m.Three upcoming speakers at <strong>Shir</strong> <strong>Tikvah</strong>Linda Miller, executive director of Civil Society, willspeak on Friday March 9 at 8:00 p.m. This organizationis a leader for the U. S. Department of Health andHuman Services’ Rescue and Restore Campaign, whichcreated the National Human Trafficking Resource Centerto connect victims of trafficking to Non-GovernmentOrganizations (NGOs) that can help victims in localareas. Read more on p. 8.Rabbi Sharon Brous, founder and spiritual leader ofIKAR, which was named one of “North America’s MostInnovative Jewish Nonprofits” for the sixth year in arow, and is touted as one of America’s 50 most influentialrabbis by Newsweek, will speak on Wednesday, March 14at 7:00 P.M.Rabbi Brous’ lecture, “Authenticity, Creativity, and MoralCourage: Essential Ingredients for Vibrant Community,”is in memory of Lou Wiener and his commitment tocreative Jewish leadership and innovation. It is free andopen to the public.Joe Soss will be speaking on “Seeing Ourselves inthe Story: Racial Injustice and the Radical Potential ofPassover” at the sixth annual Robert N. SchlesingerMemorial Lecture on Saturday, April 7, at 10:30 A.M.He is a professor and the Cowles Chair for the Studyof Public Service at the University of Minnesota. Sossis a co- author of the new book, Disciplining the Poor:Joe SossNeoliberal Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race,which traces the major changes and continuities in welfare provision andpoverty governance in the United States over the past 40 years, and theracial, political, and economic factors in creating these policies.All are welcome.Ellis TomlinsonLinda MillerRabbi Sharon Brous6

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