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2015 AWARD WINNERSThank you toElbert W. Ockerman State and RegionalProfessional Activity AwardWACRAO – Veterans Certifying WorkshopFor over 25 years, WACRAO has conducted a VeteransCertifying Workshop. In the 1990s it was on a relativelysmall scale, with an attendance of about 40. In the 2000s itbegan to grow in response to the complexity of the variousfederal and state educational benefits for veterans. Underthe guidance of several individuals from the Universityof Wisconsin System the Workshop evolved into a twoday event with an attendance of about 100 individuals.The Workshop addresses the needs and concerns of ourVeterans and attempts to provide them the best possibleservice. In recent years, the Workshop attendance andrepresentation from all types of Wisconsin institutions hascontinued to grow; the Workshop now boasts between 100and 150 participants representing 55 academic institutions.Much of the Workshop success and value can be attributedto the quality of the presenters. In addition to discussionof Federal VA educational benefits, the workshop includespresenters from the Wisconsin Department of VeteransAffairs, the State Approval Agency, the WisconsinDepartment of Military Affairs, Federal VocationalRehabilitation, representatives from the County VeteransService Office (CVSO), and the University of WisconsinSystem. Presentation topics range from working withlocal CVSOs to apprenticeship programs, and VA benefitoverviews. The conference also includes a Keynote Speakerto discuss pertinent issues relating to student Veterans.Last year’s keynote, Marine veteran Silouan Green, spokeon PTSD and overcoming adversity.The Veterans Certifying Workshop provides participantswith the opportunity to hear first-hand from subjectmatter experts on federal and state Veteran issues. It servesas a valuable resource to help train administrators how tobest serve the Veterans at their respective institutions.for sponsoring the awards.Award for Excellence in International EducationRobert WatkinsRobert Watkins has spentmost of his professionalcareer in service to the fieldof international education.He has offered overwhelmingservice to both AACRAOand the field of internationaleducation as a whole. In supportof AACRAO IES, he haspresented at numerous AACRAO Summer Institutes onInternational Admissions, as well as the Winter Instituteon Transfer Credit. Last year, Robert served as a memberof the AACRAO International Task Force and has beena member of the EDGE Administrative Group since2007. He holds a B.A. and an M.A. in History fromthe University of Texas at Austin, where he has workedin admissions for more than 30 years. Robert servesas a true mentor to international educators all over theUnited States. He regularly recommends, nominates, andencourages other international professionals to serve onvarious committees, present at conferences or participate inother professional development opportunities. Leading byexample, Robert served as VP of International Educationon the AACRAO Board of Directors from 2009-2012.Before that, he chaired the International AdmissionsCommittee. With Robert’s contributions to AACRAOpublications, his countless presentations, and his timeon numerous committees and task forces, AACRAOcertainly owes him a debt of gratitude. But Robert’sservice to international education has benefited more thanAACRAO alone. Robert served two terms on the TOEFLPolicy Board. He is a member of the European Associationof International Education (EAIE), the InternationalRecords Advisory Committee and has been a memberof NAFSA since 1983. From 1992 to 2000, Robert wasone of three NAFSA appointees to the National Councilon the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials(The Council). The Council determined the placementrecommendations for foreign students found in jointNAFSA/AACRAO publications. In 1998, at NAFSA’s50th annual conference, Robert was awarded theHomer Higbee Award which recognizes a member fordistinguished service to the organization and mentorshipto colleagues in all aspects of the field. Nearly 20 yearslater, AACRAO is pleased to further honor Robert’sastounding dedication to internationalism and thosewho serve the profession with this International Awardfor Excellence.20

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