November 2006 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

November 2006 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

November 2006 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine


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Wednesday, 11/8 (cont.)Rock and Roll Karaoke, One Eyed Jack’sWalter Wolfman Washington, d.b.a., 10pmAlex McMurray, Circle BarJealous Monk, Le Bon TempsEvening High, Chickie Wah Wah, 10pmThe Other Planets, Dragon’s DenKenny Holiday and the Rolling Blackouts,Checkpoint Charlie’sWednesday, 11/8Greyson Capps, Le Bon TempsBruce Bruce, House of Blues, 7:30pm, $30Tony Lucca, Ernie Halter, John Hoge, Parish@ House of BluesSoul Project, Chickie Wah Wah, 1amBig O Presents: “The Clawfoot & HottubInterview,” Big Top, 7pmBourbon Cowboys’ CD Release Party,Carrollton StationNomadic Belly Dancers, Government Magik,Dragon’s DenRoberto and Lissa, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 7-10pmPar 3, Checkpopint Charlie’s, 10:30-2amJustin Bailey, We the Living, Darkroom, 7pm,$8The Slits Reunion Tour, Apes, Hello Stranger,Spanish MoonThe Chee Weez, The VarsityThe Myrtles, Timebomb Town, Blind Deer,Chelsea’s, 10pmThursday, 11/9Pallbearers, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 10-12amDrain Brammage, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 12-2amRetro Active, The VarsityClub of Sons, Baak Gwai, Spanish MoonSunday, 11/12 Sunday, 11/12Fleur de Tease Burlesque, One Eyed JacksSunday Music Workshop Series featuringPhillip Anselmo, Jim Bower, Pepper Keenan,Kirk Weinstein, Tipitina’s, 12:30-3:30, $5Cajun Fais Do Do featuring Bruce Daigrepont,Tipitina’s, 5-9pm, $7Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 6pmGal Holiday and her Honkey Tonk Revue,d.b.a., 10pmNew Orleans Klezmer Allstars, Dragon’s DenSuper Party DJ the NO1, Circle BarShamarr Allen, Elliot Cohn and Cosmic SweatSociety, Le Bon TempsGravity A, Chickie Wah Wah, 10pmRehab, Sean C, House of Blues, 8pm, $10Gill and Ryan, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 9pmMonday, 11/13Monday, 11/13Wednesday, 11/15Bobbo’s Rock & Roll Karaoke, One Eyed JacksPretty Girls Make Graves, She Wants Revenge,Monsters Want Revenge, The VarsityMy Morning Jacket, Wax Fang, House of Blues,8pm, $24Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Jealous Monk, ProjectColor 3, Howlin Wolf, 10pm, $10Jason Boland and the Stragglers, Sweet Root,Parish @ House of Blues, 9pm, $10Clinton Fearon, Meta Diya, Republic, 9pm,$15Rock and Roll Karaoke, One Eyed Jack’sWalter Wolfman Washington, d.b.a., 10pmAlex McMurray, Circle BarGal Holiday and her Honkey Tonk Revue, LeBon TempsEvening High, Chickie Wah Wah, 10pmSky Child, Dragon’s DenThe Showdown, High Ground, 7pmHi Five, Spanish MoonKenny Holiday and the Rolling Blackouts,Checkpoint Charlie’sJolie Holland, The Parish @ HOBJolie Holland sings from a bygone era whendrinking moonshine with cowboys, missinga past lover and passing out in a barn was anightly routine, and <strong>2006</strong> release SpringtimeCan Kill You is the time machine that takes usback to her. Not only is the subject matter ofher songs dated-in-a-good-way, but so is hervoice, sounding like it belongs in the samedancehall as Judy Garland. Her 2003 releaseCatalpa is intentionally unedited, much likeBob Dylan’s earlier recordings where a midsongcough or a chuckle went unchecked.Catalpa is primarily a folk record, butSpringtime Can Kill You is strictly a countryalbum. It’s filled with traditional countrythemes: alcoholism, unrequited love, imagesof long and winding back roads and wideopenspaces. The lap steel and Holland’svoice drenched with twang and drawl top itall off. The overall theme of the album, towhich the title alludes, is that although springis a time for new life and love, it’s also just atrap that leads to failure in both.—Sally TunmerThursday, 11/9Thursday, 11/9Who’s Bad, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed JacksJamie Mclean, d.b.a., 10pm, $5Jon Frielich and Chaz, Circle BarSoul Rebels, Le Bon TempsRebirth Brass Band, Chickie Wah Wah,10:30pmDJ Bombshell Boogie w/ special guests,Dragon’s DenBig O Presents: The Clawfoot & HottubInterview,” Big Top, 7pmGravy, Carrollton StationAmerican Cheese Trio, Checkpoint Charlie’s,10-2amThe Burning Season, Too Pure to Die, Stick toYour Guns, As Blood Runs Black, Aggro-Fate,By His Blood, Darkroom, 7pm, $10Eric Lindell, Chelsea’s, 10:30pmFriday, 11/10Friday, 11/10Ladyhawk, One Eyed Jack’sConverge, Some Girls, Modern Life Is War,Kylesa, High Ground, 7pm, $12Taj Mahal, Marva Wright, BMWs, Tipitina’s,9pm, $25Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pmNew Orleans Klezmer Allstars,d.b.a., 10pm, $5Goodnight Loving with Night Terrors, Circle BarBe Your Own Pet, Republic, 9pm, $12Don’t let the vibrant outfits of the raggedyet powerful garage rock openers throwyou off — Brooklyn bad boys Awesome Colorstretch far beyond the vocabulary of a middleschool-aged art critic. Most often referencedto the Stooges and Black Sabbath, their soundgrinds and howls with ‘70s-esque guitarwails (sometimes played by guitarist DerekStanton’s bare feet) and crassly delivered lyricsatop a near perfect rhythm section, but ofcourse, not without a splash of that awesomecolor everyone keeps talking about. Picked upalready by such press as Rolling Stone and TeenPeople, Be Your Own Pet possesses uncannytalent considering that the mean, median, andmode of their ages are all just 18. Hailing fromNashville, these hard rocking post-adolescentsboast a Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahsbreed of vocalist as well as pestling guitar riffsand buoyant, catchy drum beats.—Carolyn HeneghanSaturday, 11/11 Saturday, 11/11The Spores, Hello Stranger, One Eyed JacksLower Decatur Street Annual Holiday CraftBazaar, 1100-1300 blocks on Decatur, 10am-6pmEric Lindell Big Band, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10Phunk Junkeez, Impulss, Fuego, Howlin Wolf,10pm, $10John Boutte, d.b.a. 7pmKenny Brown, d.b.a., 10pm, $5Junior League, Circle BarSoul Fiya, Le Bon TempsMala Suerte, Bowel, Outerbanks, 9pm, $5Double A, Footloose, Dragon’s DenBig O Presents: The Clawfoot & HottubInterview,” Big Top, 7pm6 th Annual Scorpio Party, Carrollton Station,6pmBig Blue Marble, Carrollton Station, 10pmBlood In/Blood Out, Will to Live, Darkroom,7pm, $10Thumbscrew, Gaza, The Network, InTomorrow’s Shadow, High Ground, 7pm, $7Larry Halls Blues Band, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 7-10pmRob Wagner Trio, d.b.a., 10pmMatterlink , Elmapi, Red Beards, Circle BarRich Vogel Trio, Chickie Wah Wah, 10pmKillswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Bury YourDead, House of Blues, 8pm, $19Reverend Glass Candy, Dragon’s DenTJ Black and the Black Sound Parade, Chelsea’s,10:30pmPatient Zero, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 7-9pmThe Fens, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 10-2amTuesday, 11/14Tuesday, 11/14Sip ‘N’ Spin, Sip Wine Market, 6:30pmMelvins, Big BuS.I.N.ess, One Eyed JacksStanton Moore Duo, d.b.a., 10pmGuitar Lightning, Circle BarSol Fiya, Chickie Wah Wah, 10pmBowling For Soup, House of BluesBrain Damage, Dragon’s DenCross Canadian Ragweed, The VarsityAcoustic Open Mic Night with Jim Smith,Checkpoint Charlie’sThe Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower,Landmines, Baby!, Darkroom, 7pmTuesday, 11/14The Melvins, One Eyed JacksThis ain’t your daddy’s Melvins — it’sa whole new beast, one that’s beenaugmented by the truly awesome duo BigBusiness. That’s right, kids, the Melvins haveadded two new members for this tour; notonly will you get to see Big Business openingfor the Melvins, but you’ll also get to see ‘emplaying with the Melvins. We’re talking twodrummers here, people. This is easily the bestsuper-group since Damn Yankees! It’s like awonderful gift from heaven! The bands aretouring together in support of their album(A) Senile Animal and it’s unknown if this newlineup will be permanent, so you better goto this show if you want to see rock ‘n’ rollhistory in the making.—Joseph LarkinPretty Girls Make Graves, VarsityTheatreEither Pretty Girls Make Graves really knowhow to build anticipation, or they just taketheir sweet time in producing new records. Nomatter the case, the three years it took themto follow up The New Romance has been wellworth it. Elan Vital, their most recent release,is expectantly biting and unapologetic, but alsogoes well beyond their previous work. Theyhave calmed down from being consumed withso much angst and resentment and have sinceturned their energies to polishing their sound.Elan Vital departs from the Sleater Kinneyriot-girlstyle to new prog-rock ventures.There’s no doubt that Paul Hinojos was theangel perched on their shoulders as theywrote their early songs with At The Drive-In being a prominent influence. Also, it seemsthat Mars Volta provides inspiration for thenew material, resulting in a more daring andcultivated sound.-—Sally TunmerThursdWednesday, 11/15Thursday, 11/16Les Georges Leningrad, Duchess Says,Republic, 8pm, $8Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed JacksRed Stick Ramblers, d.b.a., 10pm, $5Soul Rebels, Le Bon TempsRebirth Brass Band, Chickie Wah Wah,10:30pmSoul Rebels, Bamboula 2000, Sir Dilla,Tipitina’s, 10pmDJ Bombshell Boogie w/ special guests,Dragon’s DenGravy, Carrollton StationVern, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 7-10pmAmerican Cheese Trio, Checkpoint Charlie’s,10-2amCity Of Ships, Darkroom, 7pm, $8Leftover Crack, The Sainte Catberines, Deadto Me, In Distress, High Ground, 7pm, $8antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_29

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