Feelgood - Irish Examiner

Feelgood - Irish Examiner

Feelgood - Irish Examiner

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TERAPROOF:User:margaretjenningsDate:10/03/2010Time:16:51:23Edition:12/03/2010<strong>Feelgood</strong>XH1203Page:10Zone:XH10Glad to beIn the BAGRAISING AWARENESSXH - V12007 MODEL 2006Amy HubermanWHEN actress and novelist Amy Hubermanwas asked to take part in the2007 FTBC campaign, she jumped atthe chance.“I had no hesitation in taking part, as it wasa great opportunity to raise awareness for sucha worthy cause,” she says.“But the day of the shoot was fantastic also—there was areally good vibe and agreatsense of support between all of the women involved.It was like afeeling of solidarity to bedoing something worthwhile as a group. Wealso had agreat laugh,” she says. And Istillhave the t-shirt, although it is so old now, Iwear it as pyjamas.”Despite the fun on the day, the30-year-old said her involvement with FT-BC has highlighted the need to bebreast-aware and not leave health tochance.“Like many women of my age, Ihad notreally paid much attention to breast cancer,thinking it wasn’t something to worry aboutuntil I got older. I thought I was invincible.”But after taking part in FTBC, Irealised it can affect women of anyage, and circumstances, such as beingon the Pill or having breast cancerin the family can make you moresusceptible.”The Dublin actress is gratefulto have had no personal experienceof the disease, but says thatprevention is always better thancure.“I make sure to do regularbreast checks and know what feelsright for me,” she says. “If Iwasworried about anything, Iwouldn’t hesitate to go and getmedical advice.“We need to face the fear whenit comes to these things, chancesare everything will be fine, butignoring it definitely won’tmake it go away,” she says.Why should people supportthe campaign? “FTBC is avery clever campaign, becauseof the correlationbetween wearing gorgeoust-shirts and bags, and advertisingthe need to bemore aware about breastcancer,” she says.“Everyone who buys FT-BC products will be supportingthe cause, and reinforcingthe message thatbreast cancer is not somethingto be embarrassedabout. So buy the bag, gettalking and get yourselfchecked out.”Picture: Barry McCall<strong>Feelgood</strong>■ For more informationabout breastcancer visitwww.cancer.ieQUOTETHE internationallyrenowned supermodelElle MacPhersonFRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2010launched the campaignin 2005 and was quickto highlight that breastcancer can targetanyone and encouragedpeople to buy thet-shirt and support thecause.“It doesn’t matter ifyou’re old or young,rich or poor, fat orskinny — breast canceris something that couldaffect you, your mum oryour sister,” said the45-year-old during theoriginal campaign.the factsabout FTBC■ Fashion Targets Breast Cancerwas launched in Ireland in2005■ To date the campaign hasraised 700,000 for breastcancer■ Funds raised have gone towardsraising awarenessabout breast cancer and producingfree informationleaflets for women■ The campaign product featuredexclusive T-shirts from2005-2007■ Diane Von Furstenburg andOrla Kiely designed FTBC bagsin 2008■ Paul Smith designed a bagand t-shirt in 2009■ The 2010 FTBC bag was createdby American designer ToryBurch. It costs 45 and willbe available in Brown ThomasDublin, Cork, Limerick and Galwayand BT2 Grafton Street,Dundrum and BlanchardstownShopping Center from FridayMarch 19.Picture: Barry McCallBlaithnaid Ní ChofaighTV PRESENTER Blaithnaid Ní Chofaigh was involvedwith FTBC in 2006, and has a personal interestin raising awareness about breast cancer. Her grandmotherdied from the disease and her older sister has justendured a gruelling battle with breast cancer.“My sister is only 42 and I never thought I would be sittingwith her in St Vincent’s hospital, while she wentthrough weeks of treatment,” she says. “I used to think thatbreast cancer only affected older women, but this, truly, is amyth that needs to be addressed.”The 39-year-old believes children should be made awareof their bodies from a young age and should know what tolook for.“The <strong>Irish</strong> Cancer Society (ICS) have always run reallygood campaigns and FTBC has been a phenomenal success,but Ithink it would be agreat idea to get young womenwho have been affected by the disease to visit secondaryschools and talk to teenagers about the need to be breastaware,” she says.The death of her grandmother, and, more recently, hersister’s lumpectomy, have made Blaithnaid very aware of thedangers of breast cancer.“My father told us when we were younger that breastcancer is hereditary and advised us to have regularcheck-ups, so, since my early 30s, I have been having amammogram every year,” she says.“Early detection is absolutely crucial and can mean thedifference between life and death, so an annual check-upcould make all the difference.”Why should people support the campaign? “There arethousands of worthy causes out there and we can’t help everyone.But if you only gave your time to three charitiesthis year, make FTBC one of them. We are all affected insome way or other and being breast aware could save yourlife.”

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