Transfer of Data from Terabyte Disk to BMRC Archives

Transfer of Data from Terabyte Disk to BMRC Archives

Transfer of Data from Terabyte Disk to BMRC Archives


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141 # and if there were, then re-start the same data file part,142 # otherwise increment the part number an run that:143 #144 errCount=‘grep -c -i error ${LastFtpLog}‘145146 # Get the data file and part numbers <strong>from</strong> the previous run:147 #148 # Example:149 # nxt-run: 20041223,171054: Running part file: data1-p6.txt150 #151 LastRunLine=‘tail -1 nxt-run.log‘152153 # Note, AWK arrays are indexed starting <strong>from</strong> 1:154 #155 LastFileNum=‘echo $LastRunLine | awk ’{156 split($6,ary,"-")157 print substr(ary[1],5)158 }’ -‘159 LastPartNum=‘echo $LastRunLine | awk ’{160 split($6,ary,"-")161 split(ary[2],bry,".")162 print substr(bry[1],2)163 }’ -‘164165 if [ $warnCount -gt 0 ]166 then167 # There were some warnings, so send an email <strong>to</strong> the user:168 #169 LastPartFile="data${LastFileNum}-p${LastPartNum}.txt"170 export LastPartFile171 (172 echo "<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> Warnings"173 echo "----------------------"174 echo "Please see log file: $LastFtpLog"175 echo176 echo "<strong>Data</strong> List Part File: $LastPartFile"177 echo "produced the following warning messages:"178 echo179 grep -C 3 -i warning $LastFtpLog180 ) | mail -s "<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> Warnings" $MailTo181 fi182183 if [ $errCount -gt 0 ]184 then185 # There were some errors, but perhaps we have attempted re-running186 # the same data part file several times already (i.e., there may187 # be a non-existent file, such as "*.nc.bad", in the list):188 #189 PrevFtpLog=‘ls -1 ftp-*.log | tail -2 | head -1‘190191 result=‘cmp $PrevFtpLog $LastFtpLog‘192 stsOne=$?193194 if [ $stsOne -eq 0 ]195 then196 # The last two ftp log files are identical,197 # so lets try the one before that, <strong>to</strong>o:198 #199 BeforeFtpLog=‘ls -1 ftp-*.log | tail -3 | head -1‘200201 result=‘cmp $BeforeFtpLog $LastFtpLog‘202 stsTwo=$?203204 if [ $stsTwo -eq 0 ]205 then206 # The last three ftp log files are identical,207 # so assume we have some unresolvable error,208 # and re-set the error count <strong>to</strong> zero209 # so that we can make some progress:210 #211 errCount=0212213 # And send some email <strong>to</strong> alert the user:214 #215 LastPartFile="data${LastFileNum}-p${LastPartNum}.txt"216 export LastPartFile217 (218 echo "<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> Error Loop"219 echo "------------------------"220 echo "The last three ftp log files are identical,"221 echo "so assume we have some unresolvable error,"222 echo "and re-set the error count <strong>to</strong> zero"223 echo "so that we can make some progress:"224 echo225 echo "Please see FTP log files:"226 echo " $BeforeFtpLog"227 echo " $PrevFtpLog"228 echo " $LastFtpLog"229 echo230 echo "<strong>Data</strong> List Part File: $LastPartFile"231 echo "produced some error messages:"232 echo233 grep -i error $LastFtpLog234 echo235 ) | mail -s "<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> Error Loop" $MailTo236 fi237 fi238 fi239240 if [ $errCount -gt 0 ]241 then242 # There were some errors, so re-run the same data file part:243 #244 PartFile="data${LastFileNum}-p${LastPartNum}.txt"245 else246 # No errors, that’s good. Run the next part:247 #248 NewPartNum=‘expr $LastPartNum + 1‘249 PartFile="data${LastFileNum}-p${NewPartNum}.txt"250 fi251252 if [ ! -f ${PartFile} ]253 then254 echo "${Prog}: ${StartHms}:" >> $LogFile255 echo " WARNING: ${PartFile}: file does not exist." >> $LogFile256257 # Try the next file number and reset part <strong>to</strong> 1:258 #259 NewFileNum=‘expr ${LastFileNum} + 1‘260 PartFile="data${NewFileNum}-p1.txt"261262 if [ ! -f ${PartFile} ]263 then264 echo "${Prog}: ${StartHms}:" >> $LogFile265 echo " WARNING: ${PartFile}: file does not exist." >> $LogFile266267 # Try the next file number with the same part number,268 # e.g., "data10-p92.txt" followed by "data11-p92.txt":269 #270 PartFile="data${NewFileNum}-p${LastPartNum}.txt"271272 if [ ! -f ${PartFile} ]273 then274 echo "${Prog}: ${StartHms}:" >> $LogFile275 echo " ERROR: ${PartFile}: file does not exist." >> $LogFile276 echo " S<strong>to</strong>pping ’crontab’ entry for $MyUser." >> $LogFile277 crontab -r278 exit 3279 fi280 fi281 fi282283 echo "${Prog}: ${StartHms}:" >> $LogFile284285 if [ $errCount -gt 0 ]286 then287 echo " Re-running part file: ${PartFile}" >> $LogFile288 else289 echo " Running part file: ${PartFile}" >> $LogFile290 fi291292 # Also need <strong>to</strong> record this in the "nxt-run.log" file:293 #294 NxtRunLog="nxt-run.log"295 StartDateTime="${StartYmd}-${StartHms}"296297 # NOTE:298 # Please DO NOT change the format <strong>of</strong> the following line,299 # this script depends on "${PartFile}" being the 6th argument:300 #301 echo "${Prog}: ${StartDateTime}: Running part file: ${PartFile}" >> $NxtRunLog302303 cp $PartFile $RemDFlist304305 NewFtpLogFile="${RunPath}/ftp-${StartDateTime}.log"306307 ## LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/strandwg/data/tcl8.5a2/lib308 ## export LD_LIBRARY_PATH309310 ## Tcl85sh=/home/strandwg/data/tcl8.5a2/bin/tclsh8.5311 ## export Tcl85sh312313 # Finally, run the selected part <strong>of</strong> the data file number:314 #315 ## ( umask 002; ${Tcl85sh} ${RunPath}/afm-ftp.tcl 2>&1 ) > $NewFtpLogFile &316 ##317 ( umask 002; tclsh ${RunPath}/afm-ftp.tcl 2>&1 ) > $NewFtpLogFile &318319 exit 0320B.10 Program: ‘gwstats’The ‘gwstats’ script runs a few commands which provide a simple snapshot view <strong>of</strong> the status <strong>of</strong> themultiple-terabyte file transfer process <strong>from</strong> a LaCie <strong>Terabyte</strong> disk on a Linux PC <strong>to</strong> the ‘gwork’ temporarys<strong>to</strong>rage area on host ‘gale’:1 #!/bin/sh2 #3 # Program:4 # gwstats5 #6 # RCS-Strings:7 # $Source: /bm/gkeep/lih/src/sh/RCS/gwstats,v $8 # $Revision: 1.1 $9 #10 # Author:11 # Lawson Hanson, 20050209.12 #13 # Purpose:14 # Run a few commands which provide a simple snapshot view <strong>of</strong>15 # the status <strong>of</strong> the multiple-terabyte file transfer process16 # <strong>from</strong> a LaCIE <strong>Terabyte</strong> disk on a Red Hat Linux PC <strong>to</strong> gwork.17 #18 Prog=‘basename $0 .sh‘1920 MyUser=${USER:-${LOGNAME:-nobody}}2122 case $MyUser in23 afm)24 runDir=/bm/gkeep/afm/bmrc/lacie124

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