Never Too Late

Never Too Late

Never Too Late

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Her voice had grown so soft that I failed to hear her speak, but I was able to read my name onher lips. "Yes?""There's a shooting star." She pointed her index finger toward the starry night. "Make a goodwish."Immediately looking upward, I searched for the elusive star for a total of three seconds beforegiving up. "Must have been too…" Once again that night Brooke robbed me of the ability tobreathe.She and her drained bottle of Christian Brothers were missing. There were no signs of her as Iglanced toward the left, right and even behind me. Hurrying toward the ledge, I leaned overscanning below. It was so dark that it was impossible for me decipher anything but a largeDumpster. As I ran toward the door, I didn't want to think about the fact that the only wayBrooke could have disappeared so quickly was to go through with her original plan. Either thator she was a hell of a magician.Forgoing the elevator, I went down the numerous flights of stairs at a breakneck pace. As Iemerged into the lobby, I couldn't remember the last time that I had shed tears, but my visionbegan to blear. I couldn't care less that those walking through the lobby stopped to look at me asthough I was a woman who had just fled from the insane asylum--I had to find Brooke. Someonecalled my name as I rushed through the exit, yet I didn't bother to turn around.With my body covered in a light sheen of sweat and breathing in short spurts, I arrived in thealley. I slowed to a jog as I looked from side to side. I even looked up as though I expected to seeher dangling from a window, holding on for dear life. She was nowhere to be found and neitherwere the shards of glass from her brandy bottle, which should have shattered from the distance itfell from. It didn't make sense because Brooke couldn't have vanished into thin air. She hadn'tgotten passed me on the roof. I was as certain of that as I was my own name.Looking toward the sky, I cupped my mouth and yelled her name five times in succession at thetop of my already overworked lungs. Brooke didn't answer. Though someone else did."Hey Cooper, what's going on?"Turning, I watched as Kyle Dupree, the man who had taken Brooke to senior prom walked up tome. The concern was evident on his bearded face. He started to smile in greeting, but with onelook at my tear-streaked face it ceased. "What happened? Were you calling for Brooke? As inBrooke Berry?"I nodded. "Yes. Have you seen her?"He shook his head. "I happened to run into her a few years ago at the airport, but that was the lasttime I laid eyes on her. Why? Did you guys argue about something tonight?"Sighing, I angrily wiped at my cheeks. "I have to find her Kyle. I have to know where she is."

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