Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC


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A R R A N G E M E N T S 5<strong>Health</strong> and safety risks arising fro mour work activities●●●●●●Risk assessments will be undertaken byThe findings of the risk assessments will bereported toAction required to remove/control risks will beapproved bywill be responsible for ensuring the action requiredis implemented.will check that the implemented actions haveremoved/reduced the risks.Assessments will be reviewed everyN o t eYou must assess risks to thehealth and safety of anyonewho may be affected by yourwork activities, so that you canweigh up whether you havedone enough or need to dom o re to comply with the law –see Management of <strong>Health</strong>and <strong>Safety</strong> at Work Regulations1 9 9 9.You will find some examplesof key areas that you shouldc o n s i d e , rat the end of thisg u i d a n c e .You will need to involve anumber of diff e rent people,including your safety re p re s e n -tatives and employees, to dothe risk assessments.You need to re c o rd the significantfindings of your risk assessme n t sin a separate document.Your policy statement onlyre c o rds your arrangements forensuring the assessments aredone, and are kept up to date.Once you have done your riskassessments, you must takethe necessary action to re m o v eor reduce the risk as far as isreasonably practicable.You can find more guidancein HSE’s free leaflets Five stepsto risk assessment I N D G 1 6 3( rev1) 1998 and A guide torisk assessment re q u i re m e n t s :Common provisions in healthand safety law INDG218 1996.or when the work activity changes, whichever issoonest.

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