Care Group Ministry - Bedok Methodist Church

Care Group Ministry - Bedok Methodist Church

Care Group Ministry - Bedok Methodist Church


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Our goal : To Be A Strategic Partner ofthe <strong>Church</strong> Vision –To Make Disciples For Jesus Christ1. CG Leaders Forum:Saturday, 17 th May at 2.30 pmThis forum is for <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Leaders andAssistant Leaders. Please mark this date onfor your schedule.Agenda: Feedback from <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Group</strong>s on theexperience of Living Prayer Workbookseries (6 th Apr to 17 th May) Guide for planning your one-year <strong>Care</strong><strong>Group</strong> Meetings plan. The guide will bemade available for participants. Preview of the New <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Training,“Re-<strong>Group</strong> @ a Video Guided Training”package on 27 th June and 28 th June.2. ‘New’ CG Leaders’ Training‘NEW’<strong>Care</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Leaders’TrainingFriday, 27 th June 08,8 pm – 10 pmSaturday, 28 th June 08,2.30 pm - 6 pmFour 60-minute sessions on the foundations ofgroup life teaching in creative segments, andactivities and discussion time.a. Getting Connected – God’s Purpose forSmall <strong>Group</strong>s.b. Setting Ground Rules.c. Determining Your <strong>Group</strong>’s Purpose.ASKING GOD …WITH QUESTION MARKS- Bill GnadeYears ago, I looked at these wordsof Jesus : “Ask and it will be given to you”(Matt 7:7). And I asked myself a simplequestion. Did I really ask Jesus foranything?When I listened to my prayers, all Iheard was, “Lord, I just ask ... I just askthat You bless us …give us ... be with us…Lord, we just ask … we just ask.” Whywas my asking so bereft of questionmarks?When I ask my wife for help, Idon’t say, “Honey, I just ask that youcome to the garage.” I don’t say to mychildren, “Kids, I just ask that you cleanyour rooms.” And I don’t say to astranger, “I just ask you for directions tothe metro.” No, I ask – with questionmarks!When I decided to try addingquestion marks to my prayers, Iimmediately noticed a difference in tone.Instead of, “Lord, I just ask You for helpwith purchasing a new car,” I prayed,“Lord, would You help me purchase a newcar?” The question mark put me in awonderfully honest position, a place ofdependence on God. That is the beauty ofa question : It concedes vulnerability andweakness, need and desire.Why did I resist using a questionmark with God? Had I decided that faithwas bold and macho, that it needed tobe without doubt or weakness? Wheredid I get the idea that faith wasabout commandeering, not meeklypetitioning? How did I learn to speakto God in ways that I would neverspeak to my friends or family?In short, what was wrong withasking God a direct question? Doesn’tit take a more mature faith to ask Godwith a question mark? To do sosuggests the possibility of a yes or noanswer, perhaps even a dialogue.When I examined it, “Lord, we justask you to blah, blah, blah” appearspresumptuous and weak in real faith.Putting question marks intomy prayers make prayer – which attimes had become wearisome – moreexciting. Rather than obligating Godto perform or conform to my wishes,the question marks became marks ofintimacy and submission. They filledprayer with something wonderful.They filled it with the expectationthat I would receive – because I wasactually asking.Taken from: PRAY, issue 58________________________________________My personal reflections / prayers :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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