Environmental measures to improve children's health - Health and ...

Environmental measures to improve children's health - Health and ...

Environmental measures to improve children's health - Health and ...


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Schools8Country: TajikistanProject: Green schoolsOrganisation: Youth of the 21st CenturyRepresentative: Umidjon UlugovEmail: umed.ulugov@youth21.tjStudent environmentalmanagementcomes <strong>to</strong> the classroomConditions in schools in Tajikistan are not always as good asthey should be. Classrooms are often untidy <strong>and</strong> cold inwinter. But the Youth of the 21st Century organisation in18 schools in Dushanbe has changed all that in a project thatis fully self-sustaining. Little wonder it has won the politicalsupport of Tajik‘s education <strong>and</strong> environment ministries.Activities are organised with the support of Green Patrol,a youth movement with 16,000 members operating in70 schools. The project began by introducing an interactive,computer-based manual. The main themes in this "textbook"are the environment, <strong>health</strong>y living, leadership <strong>and</strong> voluntaryactivity. In a collaborative process, it was decided that schoolsin the project would be rated allowing them <strong>to</strong> competeagainst each other.The students work individually on the contents <strong>and</strong> activitiesoutlined in the book. They then organise activities, such asclean-ups of classrooms <strong>and</strong> outdoor spaces, low-cost schoolheating, free distribution of boiled water, <strong>and</strong> the creationof posters <strong>to</strong> inform <strong>and</strong> decorate the classroom walls.The project has achieved a substantial reduction in diarrhoealdisease <strong>and</strong> although other <strong>health</strong> benefits have not beenformally measured, parents have thanked the project teamfor what they perceive as a reduction in cases of flu.The students are proud of their achievements <strong>and</strong> ofbecoming managers of their own environment. By sellingplastic <strong>and</strong> waste paper <strong>to</strong> local recycling companies, manyschools have created a fund <strong>to</strong> cover their costs. On average,each school has earned the equivalent of US$1,200.During 2010, another 100 schools are expected <strong>to</strong> join theproject. In addition, the interactive textbook will be featuredin a Ministry of Education report on informal education.School children have the chance <strong>to</strong> learn school <strong>and</strong>environmental management skills from the"interactive book" used in the Green Schools project inTajikistan.Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment <strong>and</strong> <strong>Health</strong>, WHO European Region13

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