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Y - Baltimore Jewish Life


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There is no moral problem with Sudan oppressing forty two million Sudanese with the West’sconsentThere is no moral problem with Yemen oppressing twenty three million Yeminis with the West’sconsentOf course none of the above was a moral problem, you see, there is a substance called oil andoil is the balm that makes everything just fine.But Israel has no oil.And now, for all to see, the West has no moral clothes.(BY Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan)Matza Baking 2011/5771 UpdateWhile most people were still sleeping we started driving. When most people were getting towork, we began our annual preparations for Pesach. I can think of no better way to start thePesach planning season, then by going to the Shatzer Hand Shmura Matza Bakery in Brooklyn,NY. Our small group of people did easy work. We poured water, carried sticks with raw matza,and watched. Not challenging, but infinitely meaningful work. This year when we make ourbrachos before we fulfil the biblical commandments regarding matza, we will know that we hada small part in making these very matzos mitzvah.No trip to Brooklyn would be complete without a visit to the Ohel and 770. Our trip wascomplete. We davened at the Ohel, and got a private tour of the library and the associatedmuseum at 770. Did you know that there is a museum and a huge <strong>Jewish</strong> library at 770?Probably not, because you need pull to get in. Luckily, our chauffeur/tour guide/Rav had justsuch pull.I speak on behalf of myself and the rest of the group. It was a long and tiring day, but worthall of the effort. Thank you to Rabbi Kaplan for providing us with this educational andinspirational day.Next year IY”H you are all invited to join us. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.(by Mr. Joshua Volosov)The Sale of Chometz Form and the Shmura Matzah Order Form throughRabbi Kaplan on the Shul Website at http://www.chabadshul.org/ Theseforms are ready to be filled in while you are online. Forms are also available inthe bin in the Shul lobby.Community Information of InterestMarch 30: Pesach Shiur with Rabbi Moshe Heinemann N’shei Agudath Israel of<strong>Baltimore</strong> invites the women of the community to a free shiur about Pesach with RabbiMoshe Heinemann. The shiur will take place in the Agudah Lasson Center 6200 ParkHeights Avenue on Wednesday March 30 at 8:30 p.m.Rabbi Kaplan is giving a Shiur on Shulchan Aruch on Sundaysfollowing davening and a bagel breakfast. Everyone is invited andencouraged to attend. Please let Rabbi Kaplan know that you arecoming so that enough bagels may be purchased.Sponsorship for two flower displays on the Bima during the first twodays and last two days Pesach is available at $150 for both. Considersponsoring the flowers in honor or in memory of someone. Please callthe Allan Genut at 410-486-8435 or Alan Auerbach at 917-282-1419 tomake arrangements.Please check with the Gabbaim to make sure that yourrespective Yahrzeit commemorations are known to the Shul, sothat we may post them.

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