Janz et al. 2001

Janz et al. 2001

Janz et al. 2001


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EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS OF SPECIALIZATION795Wahlberg, N. <strong>2001</strong>. The phylogen<strong>et</strong>ics and biochemistry of hostplant speci<strong>al</strong>ization in melitaeine butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymph<strong>al</strong>idae).Evolution 55: In press.Wanntorp, H.-E., D. R. Brooks, T. Nilsson, S. Nylin, F. Ronquist,S. C. Stearns, and N. Wedell. 1990. Phylogen<strong>et</strong>ic approaches inecology. Oikos 57:119–132.Weintraub, J. D., J. H. Lawton, and M. J. Scoble. 1995. Lithininemoths on ferns: a phylogen<strong>et</strong>ic study of insect-plant interactions.Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 55:239–250.Wiegmann, B. M., C. Mitter, and B. Farrell. 1993. Diversificationof carnivorous parasitic insects: extraordinary radiation or speci<strong>al</strong>izeddead-end. Am. Nat. 142:737–754.Wiklund, C. 1975. The evolutionary relationship b<strong>et</strong>ween adult ovipositionpreferences and larv<strong>al</strong> host plant range in Papilio machaonL. Oecologia 18:185–197.Corresponding Editor: C. BoggsAPPENDIX 1Host plant associations of the species in Nymph<strong>al</strong>ini that are included in this study. Sources are abbreviated as follows: A, Ackery 1988; B,Bascombe <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>. 1999; DV, DeVries 1987; E, Ebert 1993; L, Larsen 1991; CW, Common and Waterhouse 1972; J, Johnston and Johnston 1980;Sc, Scott 1986; CP, Corb<strong>et</strong> and Pendlebury 1992; PO person<strong>al</strong> observation.Species name Host-plant families SourceSymbrenthia hypselis Urticaceae AMynes geoffroyi Urticaceae A, CWHypanartia l<strong>et</strong>he Urticaceae, Ulmaceae A, DVAntanartia schaeneia Urticaceae LBassaris gonerilla Urticaceae A, FBassaria itea Urticaceae A, FVanessa at<strong>al</strong>anta Urticaceae A, FVanessa indica Urticaceae A, FCynthia carduiUrticaceae, Asteraceae, M<strong>al</strong>vaceae, Boraginaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Chenopodiaceae,A, F, ScHydrophyllaceae, Lamiaceae, Verbenaceae, Solanaceae, Convulvola-ceae, Plantaginaceae, Brassicaceae, Polygonaceae, Apiaceae, Cucurbitaceae,Rhamnaceae, Ulmaceae, Rutaceae, PoaceaeCynthia virginiensisUrticaceae, Asteraceae, M<strong>al</strong>vaceae, Boraginaceae, Fabaceae, B<strong>al</strong>saminaceae, A, F, ScScrophulariaceaeAraschnia levanaUrticaceaeInachis ioUrticaceae, CannabidaceaeAglais milberti Urticaceae ScAglais urticae Urticaceae A, ENymph<strong>al</strong>is antiopa (Swe) S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae A, ENymph<strong>al</strong>is antiopa (USA) S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae, Ulmaceae, Cannabidaceae, Rosaceae ScNymph<strong>al</strong>is polychloros Ulmaceae, S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, Rosaceae A, ENymph<strong>al</strong>is xanthomelas Ulmaceae, S<strong>al</strong>icaceae ANymph<strong>al</strong>is c<strong>al</strong>ifornica Rhamnaceae ScRoddia l-<strong>al</strong>bum Ulmaceae, S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae A, ScKaniska canace Smilacaceae A, CP, BPolygonia egea Urticaceae A, POPolygonia c-<strong>al</strong>bumUrticaceae, Ulmaceae, Cannabidaceae, S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae, Grossulariaceae, A, E, POCorylaceaePolygonia faunus S<strong>al</strong>icaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae, Grossulariaceae, Ericaceae ScPolygonia c-aureum Cannabidaceae A, B, JPolygonia interrogationis Urticaceae, Ulmaceae, Cannabidaceae ScPolygonia comma Urticaceae, Ulmaceae, Cannabidaceae ScPolygonia satyrus Urticaceae ScPolygonia gracilis Grossulariaceae, Ericaceae ScPolygonia progne Grossulariaceae, Ericaceae, B<strong>et</strong>ulaceae Sc

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