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Political Party Structure andAdministrative ProcedureISSUE:4When youth and youth organizations are neither consulted nor included in the policy-makingprocess, their needs are likely to be ignored or insufficiently addressed. The exclusion of youthfrom policy-making processes and power structures, whether deliberate or unintentional, cancreate significant tensions in society which can manifest itself in forms that represent a seriousthreat to the social fabric, such as crime and violence.Youths reecho the need for political parties to reform their ideological base and make politicalparty attractive to underrepresented groups in Nigeria. In view of this, political parties andpublic office holders should adhere to the following:-The youth wing of political parties shall be properly institutionalized with astrong regulatory framework and elected leadership.Political parties should ensure strict adherence to structural requirementsthat reflect equitable youth representation and conforms with the principlesof internal party democracy as enshrined in section 87 of the Electoral Act(2010) and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.Mentoring youths in political party leadership structure; Parties shoulddevelop a mentorship mechanism in line with party ideology, policies andprograms. Such mentorship programs should focus on building the21

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