ne\TsTage - Center Stage

ne\TsTage - Center Stage

ne\TsTage - Center Stage


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People & Things continuedbeboppers replaced popularmelodies with new, more complexbebop melodies. Staples of the beboprepertoire included “Ornithology,”“Donna Lee,” “Groovin’ High,” and“Hot House.” Their fast pulse andrich harmonic vocabulary defineda new direction for jazz—and a newart form. Although bop was solidlygrounded in earlier jazz styles, itwas considered revolutionary at thetime of its development.Notable Bebop musicians: JulianAdderley, alto saxophone; Clifford Brown, trumpet; Charlie Christian,guitar; Kenny Clarke, drums; Tadd Dameron, piano; Miles Davis,trumpet; Dizzy Gillespie, trumpet; Dexter Gordon, tenor sax; WardellGray, saxophone; Barry Harris, piano ; J.J. Johnson, trombone;Thelonious Monk, piano; Fats Navarro, trumpet; Charlie Parker,alto sax; Chano Pozo, conga; Sonny Rollins, saxophone; Sonny Stitt,saxophoneJim Crow lawsAfter Reconstruction ended in 1877 and federal troops left the South,local and state governments passed a series of laws severely limitingthe new freedoms that African Americans had finally gained afterthe Civil War. Those who instituted these laws called them Jim Crowlaws, referring to an antebellum minstrel character named “Jump JimCrow”—a racist depiction of a poor, uneducated, Southern Black man.Some examples of Jim Crow laws, which varied from state to state:• All passenger stations in this state operated by any motortransportation company shall have separate waiting rooms orspace and separate ticket windows for the white and coloredraces.• All marriages between a white person and a Negro, or betweena white person and a person of Negro descent to the fourthgeneration inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited.• The schools for white children and the schools for Negrochildren shall be conducted separately.NEXTSTAGE | Crumbs from the Table of Joy 12

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