Parish Profile - Calvary Episcopal Church

Parish Profile - Calvary Episcopal Church

Parish Profile - Calvary Episcopal Church


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In recent years, <strong>Calvary</strong> has held a service of Solemn Evensong and Benediction in observance of the Feast ofCorpus Christi. In commemoration of the faithful departed, <strong>Calvary</strong> offers a requiem mass, set in one of the great,historic musical settings for the mass, on All Souls’ Day.In a more casual setting, cats and dogs along with lizards, parakeets, guinea pigs and“anything that creepeth and crawleth on the earth” are celebrated as parishionersbring their animal companions to the church’s garden for the Blessing of the Animalson the Feast of St. Francis.Many of us, however, experience <strong>Calvary</strong> in a more intimate setting outside of thefestival services and the principal service on Sundays. The smaller 8 o’clock Sundaymorning and weekday services for some are the primary worship connection to <strong>Calvary</strong>.These parishioners approach God through worship apart from the ceremony of the11 o’clock service on Sunday and experience the beauty of holiness through therichness and elegance of the prayer book without song, chant, procession or adornment.Apart from the crowd, they connect with one another and with the rest of <strong>Calvary</strong>.<strong>Calvary</strong> enjoys worship with other parishes, churches and synagogues in the area. During Lent,<strong>Calvary</strong> participates in the Lenten Preaching Series, where each Tuesday, neighboring <strong>Episcopal</strong>parishes join for fellowship and to worship. <strong>Calvary</strong> organized this effort over a decade ago,attracting a range of preachers from across the diocese and nationally.Quality preaching is a noted part of the worship experience at <strong>Calvary</strong>. What is said in <strong>Calvary</strong>’shistoric pulpit often has repercussions beyond the bounds of our parish. <strong>Calvary</strong>’s rector shouldnot be surprised to be quoted by local and national media. <strong>Parish</strong>ioners have come to expect tobe both intellectually challenged and entertained as we hear God’s Word. Audible laughter duringthe sermon or probing critiques after the sermon of historical, scientific, or literary references arenot uncommon; our clergy must be on their toes. We have been blessed with clergy and guestpreachers, who by drawing upon our relevant, real-world experience and their own wit andeloquence, have risen to this heroic task effectively and succinctly.The sacraments and the preaching of the Gospel in <strong>Calvary</strong>’s liturgical life enlighten ourspiritual lives. They guide and strengthen us, as the prayer book says, “to be faithful witnessesof Christ our Lord” in God’s world.

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