Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy


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Dependencies of dimensionless density and pressure on bubble dimensionless radius are stated inFig. 2 and 3 calculated under formulas (17) and (18) when gas volume content is accepted equal to20 5 %.Figure 2. Dependence of mixture density on bubble size.Figure 3. Dependence of mixture pressure on bubble size.Dependence of pressure on density calculated under formulas (19) (solid curve) and (10) (dottedcurve) for variant corresponding to the curves in Fig. 2 and 3 is stated in Fig. 4. Behaviour of curvesshows that surface tension does not practically influence equation of gas-liquid environment state nearequilibrium value of bubble R / R0~ 1. But subject to R R0and R R0, role of surface tensionbecomes significant.Dependence of pressure on density calculated under formula (19) for various values of S parameteris stated in Fig. 5. Curves 1-3 are built for S values equal to 2; 1; 0,2 relatively. Decrease ofS 2/ R p corresponds to decrease of surface tension factor or increase of equilibrium value of00bubble radius. Increase of surface tension results in increase of pressure of steam and gas mixture.48

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