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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to Greg Wahlman and Garner Wilde forinformation and helpful discussion, though we claim sole creditfor our conclusions.REFERENCESAubry, M.-P., Berggren, W. A., Van Couvering, J. A. andSteininger, F., 1999, Problems in chronostratigraphy: Stages,series, unit and boundary stratotypes, global stratotypesection and point and tarnished golden spikes: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 46, p. 99-148.Baars, D. L., Maples, C. G., Ritter, S. M. and Ross, C. A., 1992,Redefinition of the Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary inKansas, mid-continental USA: International GeologyReview, v. 34, p. 1021-1025.Baars, D. L., Ross, C. A., Ritter, S. M. and Maples, C. G., 1994[a],Proposed repositioning of the Pennsylvanian-Permianboundary in Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 230,p. 5-10.Baars, D. L., Ritter, S. M., Maples, C. G. and Ross, C. A., 1994[b],Redefinition of the Upper Pennsylvanian Virgilian Series inKansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 230, p. 11-16.Cope, J. C. 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