Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit

Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit

Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit


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60 <strong>Evidence</strong>-<strong>based</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>Examples of qualitative research methodsDocumentsPassiveobservationParticipantobservationConcealedparticipantobservationIn depthinterviewsFocus groupinterviewsConsensusmethodStudy of documentary accounts of events, such asmeetingsSystematic watching of behaviour and talk in naturaloccurring settingsObservation in which the researcher also occupies arole or part in the setting, in addition to observingThe participant observer may be honest about his rolein the group, or may conceal the investigation andpretend to be normal member of the group.Face to face conversation with the purpose ofexploring issues or topics in detail. Does not use presetquestions, but is shaped by a defined set of topicsUnstructured interviews with small groups of peoplewho interact with each other and the group leaderUsed to establish the extent of consensus. There arethree main methods: Delphi technique (see p. 23),consensus development panels and nominal groupprocessDid the paper describe an important clinical problemaddressed via a clearly formulated question?Look for a statement of why the research was done and whatspecific question it addressed. If not at the outset of the study, bythe end of the research process was the research question clear?There is no scientific value in interviewing or observing people justfor the sake of it.You should also consider whether the study used the appropriatedesign for this question. Would a different method have beenmore appropriate? For example, if a causal hypothesis was beingtested, was a qualitative approach really appropriate?How were the setting and the subjects selected?Important questions to consider:a From where the sample was selected and why?b Who was selected and why?c How were they selected and why?

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