Urakepe - Rainforest Alliance

Urakepe - Rainforest Alliance

Urakepe - Rainforest Alliance

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I like going there, but I wouldn’t want to live in Esmeraldaseven if I could eat chocolate every day.It is interesting—there are all kinds of people, lotsof shops, and everyone has electric lights, stereosand TV sets—but it’s too noisy and crowded forme. There are hardly any trees or birds in the city.There aren’t many Chachi either, since most of ourpeople live more than 100 kilometers northeast ofhere, around the Cayapas River.I’ve never been to the Cayapas area, but my UncleBenito has. He’s the president of San Salvador, sohe goes there to meet with the other leaders of theChachi Federation. My uncle says we Chachi needto be organized, because we’re a minority. Thereare less than 8,000 Chachi in all of Ecuador.

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