Family Handbook 2013-14 - St. Anna's Catholic Church

Family Handbook 2013-14 - St. Anna's Catholic Church

Family Handbook 2013-14 - St. Anna's Catholic Church


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POLICIES OF ST. ANNA’S SCHOOL OF RELIGIONATTENDANCE POLICYAll students whose parents are registered parishioners of <strong>St</strong>.Anna’s and who attend grades 1—10 in a public school arerequired to attend the religious education classes in the Schoolof Religion. Parents who home school their children shouldcontact the DRE to learn the home school guidelines of theArchdiocese of Atlanta. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherdprogram and a Kindergarten class are provided for childrenfrom the age of 3 to kindergarten age. A High School class isalso provided for students in grades 11 and 12.It is expected that families will make a commitment to regularattendance at all classes. Good attendance makes it possible tograsp religious concepts and to foster a sense of belonging inthe parish community.NOTE: Religious Education classes are NOT a substitutefor Mass. Regular attendance at Mass is essential to theprogress of forming faith.If a child is absent from class, parents must contact the child’scatechist for any missed assignments. If your child completesthe work missed during an absence and turns the work into theSchool of Religion office, the absence will be excused. Theuse of this option is meant to be limited. In extraordinary circumstancescontact the DRE.When a student is absent from class two weeks in a row, atelephone call or e-mail to the Religious Education office isexpected. If a student missed 3 classes and no contact hasbeen made by the parents, the DRE will contact the parents.Under Archdiocesan guidelines, students must attend 80% ofclasses (no more than 5 unexcused absences) to receive creditfor successfully completing the year. For extraordinary circumstancesplease contact the DRE.

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