CANTERBURY! HMNZS - Royal New Zealand Navy

CANTERBURY! HMNZS - Royal New Zealand Navy

CANTERBURY! HMNZS - Royal New Zealand Navy

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GALLEY SLIDECAREERS ADVISORS GET TO SEEDEFENCE AT FIRST HANDBY ALLY CLELLAND, DPRUMORE than 40 secondary school careers advisorsfrom throughout <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> arrivedin Auckland on 11 June to take part in theNZDF Careers Advisors’ Visit. The aim of theCareers Advisors’ Visit is to provide an insightinto the training, lifestyle and benefits thatare gained from a career in the <strong>Navy</strong>, Armyor Air Force. During the week careers advisorsfrom colleges throughout the country,including Auckland Girls’ Grammar, Te PukeCollege and Southland Boys’ High School,visited the Naval Base, Linton Army Campand RNZAF Base Ohakea.‘This is the first time the concept of a tri-Service visit has been run. It was an exciting,new initiative for us to be able to showcasethe career opportunities available within thewider Defence Force,’ said Director of AirForce Recruiting SQNLDR Lisa D’Oliveira.‘The visit enabled careers advisors to see thetraining facilities within the NZDF, interactwith personnel, and network with teachersor trainers in similar vocations.’The week began with at Devonport on 12June where attendees experienced variousnaval activities including sea safety training,diving, and dealing with explosive ordnance.Hawera High School careers advisor MichelleTaylor said the best part of the week wasbeing able to talk to the young people whohad recently joined the Services about whythey had joined and what they were doingnow. ‘I really enjoyed the week and it wasgood to be able to experience everythingfrom the ground up.’On 13 June the advisors visited RNZAFBase Ohakea, where Air Force personneldemonstrated the role of the Iroquois helicopters,fixed wing flying training, crashfire fighting, and aircraft maintenance.Weapons, camouflage nets and large vehicleswere the order of the day on 14 Junewhen the group visited Linton Army Camp.The careers advisors had the opportunityto find out about Light Armoured Vehicles,the Mistral Air Defence System, and to seeThe Careers Advisors visit the <strong>Navy</strong>’s cooking schoolelectronics and communications equipmentdisplays. The week ended with a function atthe Ohakea Officers’ Mess which gave thecareers advisors the opportunity to mix withsenior officers, junior officers and soldiers,sailors and airmen from the three Servicesin a social environment.James Cook High School careers advisorJoy Williams said the visit really challengedand changed her perception of career optionsavailable within Defence. ‘There issuch a breadth of options available and toexperience it first hand has been very valuable.The visit should be compulsory for allnew careers advisors,’ she said.MC 07-0232-16MC 07-0232-14UPDATEBY WCDR EMMA DAVIS RNZAFDIRECTOR OF DEFENCE PSYCHOLOGY, HQNZDFTHE NZDF Ongoing Attitude Survey (OAtS) was first administeredin May 2002 to two thirds of all NZDF personnel toprovide a picture of attitudes across the NZDF at that time.Since April 2003, the survey has been administered continuouslyto regular force and civilian personnel in the NZDF.The survey asks you questions about a wide range of areasrelated to your career and how you view your Service and thewider NZDF. A total of 5422 personnel have completed thesurvey since April 2003.Over the past year, the Directorate of Psychology, in consultationwith Single Service HR representatives, has beenworking on updating the OAtS. This has been done to ensurethe survey continues to provide relevant and meaningful informationfor the organisation. The survey still asks about awide range of issues but it has been designed to be easierand quicker to complete.All of the questions have been reviewed with some deletedand others reworded. The scale and layout of the survey hasbeen changed. The scale has changed from a four point scaleof strongly agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree and stronglydisagree to a five point scale with a neutral mid point. Therewill also be an increase in sampling frequency. Currentlythe survey is administered to approximately 300 personnelacross the NZDF every month. This will increase to around820 personnel a month as we change to sampling everybodyonce a year.The purposes of these changes are to improve the experienceof personnel completing the survey, to increase theresponse rate, to increase the number of responses received,and to improve the quality of the data received. The OAtScontinues to provide important information to highlight opportunitiesfor improvement and recognise the successesof the organisation. The higher the response rate the moreconfidence can be placed in the results. The updated versionof the survey will be administered from July 2007.It is really important that we have an increase in theresponse rate, and we strongly encourage you to haveyour say. The results from the survey are used by yourService as well as the wider NZDF to make decisionsregarding policies and conditions of service that directlyaffect your career.More information about the survey and updated reportscan be found on the HQNZDF Personnel Branch intranetsite, by clicking on the “OAtS” link under Strategic HR.CONGRATULATIONSON YOUR PROMOTIONA/CDR K J Barrett RNZNLTCDR C N A Riches RNZNLTCDR O J Rodger RNZNA/LT CDR W R Theobald RNZNENS M E Wise RNZNWOWTR A J HurstCPOET M J BaileyCPODR M R J HaydonCPORS R IkenasioCPOMT(P) N J McnamaraCPOCSS R MurrayCPOSA A J RiversA/CPORS P I FosterA/CPORS R E WilliamsPODR R J TangneyA/POCSS B J HillLMT(P) A J BarnsLET M L BroederlowLMT(P) C R CampbellLMT(P) R A ComerLMT(P) A K FraserLMT(P) P M GillhamLMT(P) M B MeltonLMT(P) K A MenziesLMT(P) A P OrrLMT(P) M A D PyeLMT(P) J G SarjantLMT(P) C J TealASCS Q L CampbellAMEDIC N CareswellAMT2 J D FullamADR C K HackettASA N M HirovanaaACH S P MccannAMT2 O G McchesneyAMT2 J P McdowellASTD A C NicholsonVictoria Daniel recentlydonated a portrait ofher father CDR WJLSmith DSO, RNZN, tothe <strong>Navy</strong> Museum. Thewatercolour portraitwas painted in 1984 bySally Hope, when CDRSmith was aged 62.The Museum staff werepleased to meet Victoriaand see the portrait,which will be placed ondisplay in the new CDRSmith building.ACO T A PukeroaACH J P RippeyACSS R C StevenRNZNVRLTCDR I B Mohammed RNZNVRA/LWTR D K SmithABSEA J C BickfordFAREWELL ANDTHANK YOU FORYOUR SERVICELTCDR J M Harger RNZNVRCPOCSS D K JonesMAA J O MooneyCPOHST L C TurveyCPOSA S P WatkinsPOET G D BruntonLEWS J E CurrieLWT A F MasonLCO T N MatrixLMT(P) B L McleodLCH H B MoonLTO G K J MooneyLWTR K A ReadAET1 A T DixonAWT2 L K MaddernAEWS R T NathanAMT2 R M J TawhitiACH A M SelfACH J B WilkinsonOCH M J CuthbertODR J J EzekielaOMT D R ClareOMT A H BartlettOT(WE) C J VazeyCOMPILED BY:AWTR CAPRA ROBERTSON<strong>HMNZS</strong> PHILOMEL36 NT123JULY07 WWW.NAVY.MIL.NZWWW.NAVY.MIL.NZNT123JULY07 37

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