Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank

Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank

Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank

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<strong>FirstCaribbean</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>(<strong>Bahamas</strong>) Limited Information CircularWe are providing these proxy materials inconnection with the solicitation by theBoard of Directors of <strong>FirstCaribbean</strong><strong>International</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> (<strong>Bahamas</strong>) Limited, ofproxies to be voted at the Company’s 2002Annual General Meeting of Shareholders andat any meeting following adjournmentthereof.Shareholders are advised that no shareholderproposal has been filed and no action isproposed by the Board of Directors whichwould create the possibility of a “dissentingshareholder” under Section 168 of TheCompanies Act, 1992. The Board of Directors isalso not aware of any solicitation of proxies by aperson or group adverse to presentmanagement of this Company.You are cordially invited to attend the annualmeeting on April 25th, 2003 beginning at 6:00p.m. E.S.T. Shareholders will be admittedbeginning at 5:30 P.M. E.S.T. The meeting willbe held at British Colonial Hilton, 1 Bay Street,Nassau, The <strong>Bahamas</strong>.This financial year of <strong>FirstCaribbean</strong><strong>International</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> (<strong>Bahamas</strong>) Limited formerlyCIBC <strong>Bahamas</strong> Limited began on November 1st,2001 and ended October 31st, 2002. Referencesin this proxy statement to the year 2002 orfinancial 2002 refer to the period as mentionedabove.We are mailing this proxy statement andaccompanying forms of proxy and votinginstructions to holders of the Company’sordinary shares on March 25th, 2003, therecord date for the meeting.Proxies and Voting ProceduresThe Board of Directors and the Management ofthe Company do not contemplate thesolicitation of proxies otherwise than by mail.A shareholder has the right to appoint a personor company (who need not be a shareholder),other than the persons designated by theDirectors as proxy holders in the accompanyingform of proxy, to represent the shareholder at themeeting by striking out the names of the personsso designated and inserting the name of thechosen proxy holder in the blank space providedfor that purpose in the form of proxy, or bycompleting and signing another proper form ofproxy. A proxy must be in writing and must beexecuted by the shareholder or by an attorneyauthorized in writing and deposited at the officesof CIBC Trust (<strong>Bahamas</strong>) Limited, Goodman’s BayCorporate Centre, West Bay Street, Nassau, The<strong>Bahamas</strong>. A shareholder who executes andreturns the accompanying form of proxy mayrevoke it by an instrument in writing executed bysuch shareholder or attorney authorized inwriting and deposited at the offices of CIBC Trust(<strong>Bahamas</strong>) Limited, Registrar and Transfer Agentsat Goodman’s Bay Corporate Centre, West BayStreet, Nassau, The <strong>Bahamas</strong> at any time up toand including the last business day preceding theday of the meeting, or with the Chairman of themeeting on the day of the meeting prior to thecommencement thereof, or in any other mannerpermitted by law.All shares entitled to vote and represented byproperly completed proxies received prior to themeeting and not revoked will be voted at themeeting in accordance with your instructions. Ifyou do not indicate how your shares should bevoted on a matter, the shares represented by yourproperly completed proxy will be voted as theBoard of Directors recommends.If any other matters are properly presented at theannual meeting for consideration, including,among other things, consideration of a motion toadjourn the meeting to another time or place, thepersons named as proxies and acting thereunderwill have discretion to vote on those mattersaccording to their best judgment to the sameextent as the person delivering the proxy wouldbe entitled to vote. At the date this proxystatement went to press, we did not anticipatethat any other matters would be raised at themeeting.16 (i)

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