massachusetts water resources authority sewer use discharge ...

massachusetts water resources authority sewer use discharge ...

massachusetts water resources authority sewer use discharge ...


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An authorized representative of a municipality includes:a) a responsible public official, including a Mayor, City Manager, Town Administrator, Chair of theBoard of Selectman, District Manager, or any other person who performs similar policy or decisionmakingfunctions for the municipality or Water District, or the director, manager, or superintendent ofthe department responsible for operating or overseeing the operation of the Water Treatment Plant,if <strong>authority</strong> to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the individual in accordance withthe munipality's procedures.b) the duly authorized representative of the individual designated in (a) of this section if:i) the authorization is made in writing by the individual described in (a);ii) the authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility forthe overall operation of the facility from which the dishcarge originates, such as the positionof plant manager, operator of a well, or well field superintendent, or a position of equivalentresponsibility, or having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the municipality;iii)the written authorization is submitted to the MWRA.8. Note that Section C, Question 5, of this application requires that the applicant complete a hydraulicanalysis of the <strong>sewer</strong> system which will receive the effluent from the <strong>water</strong> treatment plant. Thisanalysis, required for all proposed <strong>discharge</strong>s, must be prepared under the direction of aprofessional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massach<strong>use</strong>tts, and be submitted with theapplication.9. Submit the original completed form and four (4) copies to the MWRA and a copy to the Municipalityat the address below. Keep a copy for your own records.10. You must submit a completed application no later than (60) days before your current permit expiresfor your current permit to remain in effect pending a decision on your new application.MWRA ADDRESS:MUNICIPAL ADDRESS:Massach<strong>use</strong>tts Water Resources Authority2 Griffin WayChelsea, MA 02150-3334Attention: TRACPage 2

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