EPA: Bacillus subtilis Strain QST 713 (006479) BRAD - REBECA

EPA: Bacillus subtilis Strain QST 713 (006479) BRAD - REBECA

EPA: Bacillus subtilis Strain QST 713 (006479) BRAD - REBECA

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<strong>EPA</strong>: <strong>Bacillus</strong> <strong>subtilis</strong> <strong>Strain</strong> <strong>QST</strong> <strong>713</strong> (<strong>006479</strong>) <strong>BRAD</strong>determine that <strong>Bacillus</strong> <strong>subtilis</strong> strain <strong>QST</strong> <strong>713</strong> has low toxicity to mammals and is not expected to bepathogenic in humans when the product is used in accordance with label instructions. Standardpersonal protective equipment are required to mitigate any risk to pesticide handlers and applicators.No significant risk is expected from the terrestrial ground application of the end-use product Serenadeto birds, fish, ladybird beetles, green lacewings, parasitic wasps and aquatic invertebrates. Risks tohoneybees have been mitigated by requiring that the end-use product not be applied when bees areactively visiting the treatment area. To satisfy criterion (2) <strong>Bacillus</strong> <strong>subtilis</strong> strain <strong>QST</strong> <strong>713</strong> is for useon minor crops. Finally, the outstanding data was not identified in the new active ingredient screeningprocess and a reasonable period for its generation has not yet passed.The data has been reviewed and BPPD has determined that a section 3(c)(7)(C) conditionalregistration that is limited in duration is appropriate in this situation. Data requirements for grantingthe subject time-limited registrations for terrestrial ground outdoor use under section 3(c)(7)(C) of theFederal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) have been met. BPPD has determinedthat the use of this product will cause no unreasonable adverse effects to the environment if it is usedpursuant to the following limitations.a. This registration will automatically expire on midnight July 1, 2002.b. Standard personal protective equipment are required to mitigate anyrisk to pesticide handlers and applicators.c. Risks to honeybees are mitigated by prohibiting use on apples andpears and requiring that the end-use product not be applied when beesare actively visiting the treatment area.d. A whole hive honeybee study will be conducted following <strong>EPA</strong>approved protocol.e. Confirmatory data will be submitted for freshwater fish, freshwateraquatic invertebrates, and parasitic hymenoptera.f. A 30 day toxicity/pathogenicity study of shrimp must be conducted.g. Although analyzed batches were acceptable, the submittedmanufacturing process did not have sufficient quality control required.Therefore, the Agency is requiring, as a term and condition of theregistration, additional quality control procedures. Batches that do notmeet the criteria must not be used for commercial production. Detailedrequirements are described in Confidential Business Appendix.Before this manufacturing process can be changed, adequate storagestability data must be provided to the Agency and approved.h. Data listed in Table 4. are required to be completed and submittedwithin specified time frames, as elaborated in Section VII, ActionsRequired by Registrant.These conditional registrations will automatically expire in two (2) years.2. Tolerances for Food Uses and /or exemptionsfile:///J|/<strong>REBECA</strong>/Meetings/1.%20Conference/<strong>REBECA</strong>%...up%20work%20bacteria%20fungi/epaprintonly.cgi.html (20 von 29)13.09.2006 18:40:13

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